Let's learn to walk before we run.Fifty shades Darker 中文在下面,ithome 不支持 #中文語法QQ...
There is no prefect, there will always be struggleBefore you go. 2014 一樣,中文在下面...
Who am I?Who am I?24601~~~Les Misérables 老樣子,中文在下面 naming In the topic of read...
if it is so simple why haven't you done it already.Bat man. A/B test, English...
everything the light touch is our kingdomLion king english version is down bel...
Why do I have this feeling you're about to mess up my entire life?If I stay. E...
何謂註解?下面解釋不含括 library 設計,我自己看過很多良好設計的 library 也會用註解詳加描述,但可信任的是註解總是隨著程式碼而更新 註解是用來描...
People don't change.Times do.John Wick 程式初期,筆者覺得 var 超好用,可讀可寫一直爽,到後期一點變成 val 超...
It is my duty to protect my familyMulan, 2020 台灣人透過文化累積,其實都有防禦性程式設計的概念----防禦駕...
Si vous deviez revivre une époque, vous choisiriez laquelle ? 如果時光倒流,你想回到何時La B...