

2022 iThome 鐵人賽

leetcode 30天 不中斷解題挑戰 系列





鐵人鍊成 | 共 30 篇文章 | 3 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 11

Day11 leetcode隨機挑題 (List,Sort,Greedy,Simulation)

首先是 2418. Sort the People (easy) 他...

2022-09-26 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 12

Day12 leetcode隨機挑題 (Binary Search Tree、Matrix)

首先是 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree (easy)

2022-09-27 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 13

Day13 leetcode隨機挑題 (Dynamic Programming、Array)

首先是 118. Pascal's Triangle (easy)

2022-09-28 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 14

Day14 leetcode隨機挑題 (Linked List、Matrix、Dynamic Programing

首先是 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List (medium)

2022-09-29 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 15

Day15 leetcode隨機挑題 (Binary Search、Heap、Dynamic programming)

首先是 658. Find K Closest Elements (medium)

2022-09-30 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 16

Day16 leetcode隨機選題 (Dynamic Programing、Sliding Window)

首先 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs (easy)

2022-10-01 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 17

Day17 leetcode隨機挑題(Biweekly Contest 88)

首先是 2423. Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency(easy)

2022-10-02 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 18

Day18 leetcode Weekly Contest 313

首先是 2427. Number of Common Factors (easy)

2022-10-03 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 19

Day19 leetcode隨機挑題 (Greedy、Sliding Window)

首先是 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement (medium)

2022-10-04 ‧ 由 tryit 分享
DAY 20

Day20 leetcode隨機挑題 (Stack、Two Pointer、String)

首先 844. Backspace String Compare (easy)

2022-10-05 ‧ 由 tryit 分享