月初有幸參加Qiskit Hackathon Taiwan 2020,才發覺有滿多觀念之前操作時沒有弄懂,想透過這次鐵人賽重新有系統地學習Qiskit 使用的教...
What is Quantum? classical coin v.s. quantum coin probability theory with negat...
Representing Qubit States Statevectors Qubit Notation |0⟩ |1⟩ alternative...
The Bloch Sphere |q⟩=α|0⟩+β|1⟩ Single Qubit Gates The Pauli Gates X-gate (b...
The S-gates quarter-turn around the Bloch sphere SS|q⟩=Z|q⟩ The T-gate...
SummaryWith vectors and matrices state vectors vectors that point to a specif...
Representing Multi-Qubit Statessingle bit -> 2 possible states(0 1)two bits...
Entangled States Bell state spooky action at a distance More Circuit I...
Defining Universality rotate input state to output state Basic Gate Sets Clif...
Representing Multi-Qubit States single bit -> 2 possible states(0 1) two bit...