

第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽
Microsoft Azure

Azure Journey 系列


鐵人鍊成 | 共 31 篇文章 | 2 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 11

Day 11 Identify Azure solutions

Internet of Things (IoT) Ability for devices to garner Relay information for da...

2020-09-26 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 12

Day 12 Identify Azure solutions

Explore big data and analyticsAzure SQL Data Warehouse Limitless analytics serv...

2020-09-27 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 13

Day 13 Identify Azure solutions

Explore artificial intelligence Azure Cognitive Services Collection of domain...

2020-09-28 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 14

Day 14 Identify Azure solutions

Explore Azure DevOps Azure DevOps Services Development collaboration tools...

2020-09-29 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 15

Day 15 Identify Azure solutions

SummaryInternet of Things (IoT)Azure IoT Central Fully managed global IoT softw...

2020-09-30 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 16

Day 16 Differentiate Azure management tools

Explore Azure management tools Azure portal Public website that you can acces...

2020-10-01 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 17

Day 17 Differentiate Azure management tools

Explore Azure advisor Free service Provides recommendations on high availabilit...

2020-10-02 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 18

Day 18 Discuss why cloud services

Define cloud computing Compute power containers - similar to VMs except not r...

2020-10-03 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 19

Day 19 Discuss why cloud services

Explore key cloud concepts High availability Keep services up and running for...

2020-10-04 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享
DAY 20

Day 20 Discuss why cloud services

Cloud computing Compute power containers、serverless computing Storage - files a...

2020-10-05 ‧ 由 kehsyu 分享