為了熟悉 clojure,刷題練習語法 Get the mean of an array 回傳最接近陣列平均數的整數(無條件捨去),且不會給空陣列Return...
String repeat 依據給予的次數重複字串Write a function called repeat_str which repeats the gi...
Recursion 101 You will be given two positive integers a and b and your task will...
Alternate case Write function alternateCase which switch every letter in string...
Function 1 - hello world Make a simple function called greet that returns the mo...
Is n divisible by x and y? Create a function that checks if a number n is divisi...
Beginner Series - Clock Clock shows 'h' hours, 'm' minutes and 's' seconds after...
How do I compare numbers? What could be easier than comparing integer numbers? H...
Maximum Length Difference You are given two arrays a1 and a2 of strings. Each st...
Even or Odd 給予一個整數,如果是偶數回傳 Even; 奇數回傳 Odd Solution 1 (ns kata) (defn even-or-od...