Testing 1-2-3 Your team is writing a fancy new text editor and you've been taske...
Sums of Parts 將給予的數列 ls = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10] 分成不同部分的數列直到沒有任何 element,再相加 ls = [0,...
Dubstep For example, a song with words "I AM X" can transform into a d...
Human Readable Time Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (second...
Find the odd int Given an array of integers, find the one that appears an odd nu...
Triangle number check A triangle number is a number where n objects form an equi...
Recursion 101 In this Kata, you will be given two positive integers a and b and...
Sum of a sequence our task is to make function, which returns the sum of a seque...
Growth of a Population In a small town the population is p0 = 1000 at the beginn...
Responsible Drinking Codewars Bar recommends you drink 1 glass of water per stan...