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“Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more.”― Franz Kafka腸胃支配者...
“Love is, that you are the knife which I plunge into myself.”― Kafka, Franzv...
“I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.”― Franz Kafka, Letters...
“Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.”― Franz Kafka你不一定要去選...
“As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transfor...
“You are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart.”― Franz Kafka...
“They say ignorance is bliss.... they're wrong ”― Franz Kafka 刪除主題的訊息 刪除指定主題的...
“In man's struggle against the world, bet on the world.”― Franz Kafka Kafka M...
“I need solitude for my writing; not 'like a hermit' - that wouldn't be enough...
“One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. T...