

2022 iThome 鐵人賽

System Software Introduction 系列

System software is a software that provides platform to other softwares.It serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users.
1. Features,components and types of the system software
2. Why, what a build system

鐵人鍊成 | 共 30 篇文章 | 6 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 21

The Verification of System Software - Device Driver Test

What is the Device Driver Test Device driver會負責操控hardware並依照功能提供API給kernel,所以dev...

2022-10-02 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 22

The Verification of System Software - Kernel Test​

What is the Kernel Test Kernel可以區分為多個modules並且區分多種功能,Kernel test是針對kerenl當中每個mod...

2022-10-03 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 23

The Verification of System Software - ​ Test Framework​

What is the Test Framework Test framework是指可以自動化執行大量verification testcases並且能夠提供...

2022-10-04 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 24

The Overview of the System Software Build System​

System software會依照需求訂出一些build configuration,build完之後變成一包軟體包 (software package)。每...

2022-10-05 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 25

Features of the System Software Build System

The Functions Provided by the Build System Software Selection and Dependency Che...

2022-10-06 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 26

Build Environment Setup in Build System​

System software build configuration可以設定build flow需要使用的build environment,所以build...

2022-10-07 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 27

System Software MISC – Benchmark​

System software developer需要比較CPU之間的效能,藉此了解system software在不同CPU上的效能,更進一步決定是否要更換h...

2022-10-08 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 28

System Software MISC – Static Link & Dynamic Link​


2022-10-09 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 29

System Software MISC – Perf & PMU/HPM​


2022-10-10 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享
DAY 30

System Software Conclusion

在過去29天內我們深入淺出的介紹system software,並且切成四大章節來介紹,system software涵蓋範圍很廣又複雜,我們的介紹都還在很ro...

2022-10-11 ‧ 由 脆脆 分享