

2023 iThome 鐵人賽

CPE 49題訓練 系列

30天挑戰寫完CPE 49題的題庫程式

鐵人鍊成 | 共 30 篇文章 | 1 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 11

YKL31.UVA10268 498 YKL02.UVA10783 Odd Sum

498 while 1: try: x=int(input()) a=list(map(int,input().split())) n=len(a...

2023-09-15 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 12

YKL35.UVA11349 Symmetric Matrix

Symmetric Matrix T=input() for t in range(int(T)): n=list(input().split()) n=i...

2023-09-16 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 13

YKL03.UVA10812 Beat the Spread! YKL07.UVA11461 Square Numbers

Beat the Spread! T=input() for t in range(int(T)): a,b=map(int,input().split())...

2023-09-17 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 14

YKL19.UVA11063 B2-Sequence*CPE48-23

B2-Sequence*CPE48-23 t=0 while 1: try: if t>0: space=input() t+=1 T...

2023-09-18 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 15

YKL48.UVA10093 An Easy Problem!

An Easy Problem! arr=list('0123456789'+'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'+'abcdefghijk...

2023-09-19 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 16

YKL17.UVA948 Fibonaccimal Base

Fibonaccimal Base fib=[2,1] for i in range(40): fib.insert(0,fib[0]+fib[1]) T=i...

2023-09-20 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 17

YKL04.UVA10071 Back to High School Physics YKL41.UVA10019 Funny Encryption Method

Back to High School Physics while 1: try: a,b=map(int,input().split()) prin...

2023-09-21 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 18

YKL28.UVA10235 Simply Emirp

Simply Emirp while 1: try: a=input() b=a[::-1] a,b=int(a),int(b) c=0...

2023-09-22 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 19

YKL21.UVA10922 2 the 9s

2 the 9s while 1: try: a=input() x=a if a=='0': break if int(a)%9!=0...

2023-09-23 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享
DAY 20

YKL40.UVA10908 Largest Square

Largest Square T=input() for t in range(int(T)): x,y,TT=map(int, input().split(...

2023-09-24 ‧ 由 henry3965 分享