A computer is like a violin.” You can imagine it making beautiful music, but yo...
“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredib...
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write...
“Computer science empowers students to create the world of tomorrow.” - Satya N...
“A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-...
什麼是Hash? 通常來說,我們要紀錄一個東西出現的次數或有沒有出現過,我們會用到Hash的概念。 Hash是一種映射關係(Key-Value對),陣列也是個H...
什麼是雙指針? 雙指針(不是指標),通常會有是快+慢指針或是左+右指針。 快+慢:快指針移動得比慢指針快,而慢指針會透過快指針去過濾條件。 左+右:兩個指標在同...
“Don’t limit yourself.” Many people limit themselves to what they think they ca...
“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.” –– Paul Cookson 什麼是網頁開發...
“Getting a quality website is not an expenses but rather an investment.”― Dr. C...