前一篇是 P4 : Basic Forwarding
留下了 待解問題:
Question : Why h2's IP TTL is not 62 as in video show ?
所以 在進入 trace code 階段前 , 想好好了解 P4 這個高階語言!
讓 trace code 時可以更有概念!!
前一篇 有留的影片連結 01 Introduction to Data Plane Programming (Stephen Ibanez)
既入門 P4? 又考驗英文聽力。
因此 找了 中文的資源如下:
中文版 參考:
還有 原汁原味的
2014 P4 出場論文 P4: Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors <<< 標題 P4 全名在這兒
因此提出 對於OpenFlow如何發展的 草擬提案(草案?) P4。
In this paper we propose P4 as a strawman proposal for how OpenFlow should evolve in the future.
the controller programmer should not need to know the details of the underlying switch. Instead, a compiler should
take the switch’s capabilities into account when turning
a target-independent description (written in P4) into a
target-dependent program (used to configure the switch).
[To be continue]