小弟為大三本科生 實務經驗在兩-三年 不太會讀書 喜歡實務 全是感情毫無技巧。
對鐵人賽早有耳聞 非常崇拜各位神人在每天繁忙的生活中還能抽出時間維持技術文章的含量
The main goal of this project is to build a multi-platform sync white board, So we gotta pick some service and tech stack based on "multi-platform ".
I'm picking flutter on this project.
Flutter has a consummate and stable growth since it published, and I'm fascinated on it's structure and the widget-based layout feature. Apparently it's a good way for muti-platform development.
There are many patterns to deal with data.
Mostly I prefer to put it on my VPS and setting up database for data exchange like MySQL or MongoDB. It's a good choice for small projects due to the fact it cam be highly customized, but on the other hand, you'll have to deal with lots of tech issues like concurrent Realtime connections or each API request.
You may even have to optimize the struct since users are more than expected or any exception.
So based on these problems, I decided to use some BaaS(Back end as a Service) on this project.
To simplify and speed up development. Here are some BaaS:
I chose Supabase on this list in the end due to the fact it's pricing is the most friendly one. You can have unlimited API requests, Up to 200 concurrent Realtime connections, Social OAuth providers....etc on the free plan description.
Here's the Day1's content!
Next day : Getting into Frontend