HP的iLo default只支援IPMI(i.e.設好IP之後,就可以用標準的IPMI client以IPMI協定連上),要當remote console(IP KVM)用的話是要另外買license沒錯啦(一般人認知中的支援遠端管理通常是後者吧)....
PS:補充一下,BMC(iLo)的IP設好後,就可以用Browser連上BMC看到機器的狀態和做基本控制了,但沒買license的話IP KVM算是試用版,好像只能用30或90天就是了,另外DL160G6的BMC預設是走MB上的NIC(shared with LoM),但也可以外加dedicated LAN給BMC,不過不管是shared with LoM或是dedicated LAN,單就功能來說user看到的差異不大就是了....
我從bios打開一個叫a20(從cpu選項) 跟dedicated LAN(從ipmi選項)就有看到lo100的入口了,我不確定是那個有效
default passwd應該會標在toe tag上吧....
Create a DOS bootable disk (floppy or USB key)
Download the IPMItool from http://www.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/ipmi_tool.htm ( Click here to download the IPMItool http://www.intel.com/design/servers/ipmi/ipmi_tool.htm )
Copy the IPMItool.exe to the bootable disk
Boot the server using the bootable disk
Run "ipmitool.exe 20 18 47 03 01 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
The following information applies to the hex code for the ipmitool:
"20 18" is the SetFN/LUN numbers (the ILIM address and type).
"47 03" is the command string.
"02" means "set password"
"01" means "enable user"
The ASCII string for the password "admin" is "61 64 6d 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
Now the admin account should be enabled.
請問 SetFN/LUN numbers 以及 command string 是指什麼呢?? 這個編碼能照貼上去嗎??還是要改成自己的?
toe tag上那個是密碼呢??
如果我手冊規格沒有看錯的話,這款Dl160 G6的管理介面應該是要選購的,當初沒有買的話,現在應該只能上拍賣找找了。