

2022 iThome 鐵人賽

LeetCode Top 100 Liked 系列

本題庫取自 CSDN (
LeetCode Liked 數最多的 100 道題目,難度主要介於 Medium ~ Easy 之間。本系列用意為期許自己在工作之餘也別忘了練習基礎資料結構和演算法解題~

鐵人鍊成 | 共 77 篇文章 | 11 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 21

[Day 21] Palindrome Number (Easy)

9. Palindrome Number Question Given an integer x, return true if x is palindrome...

2022-10-06 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 22

[Day 22] LRU Cache (Medium)

146. LRU Cache Question Design a data structure that follows the constraints of...

2022-10-07 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 23

[Day 23] Remove Nth Node From End of List (Medium)

19. Remove Nth Node From End of List Question Given the head of a linked list, r...

2022-10-08 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 24

[Day 24] Search in Rotated Sorted Array (Medium)

33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array Question There is an integer array nums sorte...

2022-10-09 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 25

[Day 25] Permutations (Medium)

46. Permutations Question Given an array nums of distinct integers, return all t...

2022-10-10 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 26

[Day 26] Symmetric Tree (Easy)

101. Symmetric Tree Question Given the root of a binary tree, check whether it i...

2022-10-11 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 27

[Day 27] Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard)

84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Question Given an array of integers heights r...

2022-10-12 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 28

[Day 28] Combination Sum (Medium)

39. Combination Sum Question Given an array of distinct integers candidates and...

2022-10-13 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 29

[Day 29] Roman to Integer (Easy)

13. Roman to Integer Question Roman numerals are represented by seven different...

2022-10-14 ‧ 由 JC 分享
DAY 30

[Day 30] Merge k Sorted Lists (Hard)

23. Merge k Sorted Lists Question You are given an array of k linked-lists lists...

2022-10-15 ‧ 由 JC 分享