


2022 iThome 鐵人賽
Software Development

新手小白的每天一點SQL 系列



( & 消化在 Udemy 上買了好久的課程)

鐵人鍊成 | 共 31 篇文章 | 6 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文 團隊蜉蝣生物
DAY 21

Day 21 SQLBolt - 5:OUTER JOIN

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 7: OUTER JOINs 使用...

2022-10-05 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 22

Day 22 SQLBolt - 6:NULLs

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 8: A short note on...

2022-10-06 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 23

Day 23 SQLBolt - 7 :expressions

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 9: Queries with exp...

2022-10-07 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 24

Day 24 SQLBolt - 8:aggregates (Pt. 1)

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 10: Queries with aggr...

2022-10-08 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 25

Day 25 SQLBolt - 9:aggregates (Pt. 2) GROUP BY, HAVING

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 11: Queries with ag...

2022-10-09 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 26

Day 26 SQLBolt - 10:Order of execution of a Query

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 12: Order of execut...

2022-10-10 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 27

Day 27 SQLBolt - 11: Inserting rows

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 13: Inserting rows...

2022-10-11 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 28

Day 28 SQLBolt - 12:Updating & Deleting rows

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 14: Updating rows...

2022-10-12 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 29

Day 29 SQLBolt - 13:Creating tables

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 16: Creating tables 今...

2022-10-13 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享
DAY 30

Day 30 SQLBolt - 14:Altering & Dropping tables & 完賽感言

SQLBolt:https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction SQL Lesson 17: Altering tables...

2022-10-14 ‧ 由 Yvonne 分享