QIIME2, Django, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, High School Education
Course Evaluation LINE Chatbot Article Series
- 技術文章: 做一支專屬自己學校的課程評價 LINE Bot 吧!
- Attained the Champion Award from the 2024 ITHelp Keep Sharing Competition (Software Development category)
- Tools: Django, line-bot-sdk, Bootstrap, Heroku, Python
NURECON: A Novel Online System for Determining Nutrition Requirements Based on Microbial Composition
- 國際期刊: NURECON:利用宏基因體資料建立新型營養攝取需求線上系統
- Hu, Zhao-Qi, et al. "NURECON: A Novel Online System for Determining Nutrition Requirements Based on Microbial Composition." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2024).
- Journal: Impact Factor: 4.5, JCR Ranking: Q1 in Biochemical Research Methods (2023)
16S rRNA Bioinformatic Analysis Article Series
- 技術文章: 16S rRNA 從次世代到三代定序-生資 QIIME2 資料分析趣
- Attained the Honorable Mention Award from the 2022 ITHelp Keep Sharing Competition (AI & DATA category)
- Tools: QIIME2, pb-16S-nf, PICRUSt2, Bash Shell, Python
LinkedIn or joseph.hu@petsci.tw or PetSci Blog