

Rohan Sharma 的所有回答 4

關於無法連上公司共用server疑問?? (急)

開始→控制→應用程式→右上角的程式和功能→左側的開啟或關閉Windows功能→找到SMB 1.0/CIFS檔案共用支援→✅SMB 1.0/CIFS客戶端打勾It...

2023-12-26 ‧ 由 adrian0325 提問

[求教] 用Perl 抓取網頁Link 的一個疑問?

Great post! I really enjoyed reading your insights and the way you presented you...

2023-11-16 ‧ 由 lalelee 提問

請問子網段/網路位址範圍 怎麼算?

Hello,I think you begin with the IP address 10.0. 0.0/13. You can also determine...

2023-11-02 ‧ 由 cat00814 提問

Make a function with a uniform distribution or a normal distribution

For a uniform distribution, use uniform_distribution(size, low=0, high=1) in Pyt...

2023-10-18 ‧ 由 eva5683 提問