第十二屆 佳作



DAY 11

[基本技巧] 惡趣味

「The power room. Have you unlocked it yet?」「Not yet, but I’m close. It’s unlocki...

DAY 12

[網頁漏洞] 瀏覽器內建的強大除錯工具


DAY 13

[網頁漏洞] 小心客戶端的程式碼被看光

02. dont-use-client-side Can you break into this super secure portal? https://20...

DAY 14

[網頁漏洞] cookies 不只好吃又容易竄改

03. logon The factory is hiding things from all of its users. Can you login as l...

DAY 15

[網頁漏洞] 機器人在哪兒

04. where are the robots Can you find the robots? https://2019shell1.picoctf.com...

DAY 16

[網頁漏洞] javascript obfuscation - 你把我搞糊塗了

本題解完有劇情對話喔! 05. Client-side-again Can you break into this super secure portal?...

DAY 17

[網頁漏洞] 準時是很重要的

06. Open-to-admins This secure website allows users to access the flag only if t...

DAY 18

[網頁漏洞] User-Agent - 誰在敲門

07. picobrowser This website can be rendered only by picobrowser, go and catch...

DAY 19

[網頁漏洞] 資料庫漏洞-初探

08. Irish-Name-Repo 1 There is a website running at https://2019shell1.picoctf....

DAY 20

[網頁漏洞] 資料庫漏洞-換位思考

09. Irish-Name-Repo 2 There is a website running at https://2019shell1.picoctf....