
Experience of a backend novice


DAY 11

Git log 裡面的東西是什麼? 歡迎git log --online!

Day elevenGit log 裡面的東西是什麼? 歡迎git log --online!What’s inside git log? Let’s welc...

DAY 12


Day twelve如何設置Git的個人資訊?How to configure Git? Hello It’s Ray!大家好,我是Ray! Today I’m...

DAY 13

Git tag, 標注一個版本號碼

Day thirteen Git tag, let’s specify a reversion number.Git tag, 標注一個版本號碼! Hello...

DAY 14

痾.. commit錯了怎麼辦?別緊張,我們有`git revert`

Day fourteen What if I make a wrong commit? Don’t panic, git revert is at your d...

DAY 15

git revert: 你在看我嗎? 你可以在近一點!

Day fifteengit revert: 你在看我嗎? 你可以在近一點!Git revert: Are you looking at me? You cou...

DAY 16

哎呀,不小心加錯檔案到追蹤清單了。別擔心,使出'git reset'!

Day sixteen What if I accidentally add an unwanted file? Let's welcome 'git rese...

DAY 17

如何移除未在追蹤清單內的檔案呢? 試試看 'git clean'

Day seventeen How could I remove untracked file? Let's do 'git clean'如何移除未在追蹤清單內...

DAY 18

git branch,想怎麼開發就怎麼開發

Day eighteen 什麼是git branch? 為什麼要使用branch?What is git branch? Why would we use br...

DAY 19

git分支(git branch)技能書

Day nineteen How to use 'git branch'?如何使用git支分功能? Hello everyone. It's Ray.大家好,我...

DAY 20

git branch - 回到過去開個分支,開始新的人生

Day twenty 如何在過去的某一點建立commit分支?How could I make a branch in previous commit? We...