IBM廣邀Solaris的客戶投向IBM. Oracle的CEO Larry Ellison自非省油的燈. 在Oracle的Openworld中強力回擊.
Ellision懸賞千萬美金, 如果有企業的資料庫應用程式在Sun上面不能跑, 或如果不能至少以兩倍的速度跑, 將給予一千萬美金, 並歡迎IBM加入競逐賞金.
賞金誘人, 但是最重要的是他的另一句話: "If IBM wants to compete we will compete. We are not selling the hardware business, no part of the software business are we selling." 也就是, 硬體留, Solaris留, Netbeans留, MySQL留, Glassfish留, Java留...全都留.
對於外界對購併Sun不斷的疑慮, Ellison也一次說清: "We are looking forward to competing with IBM in the systems business, and we think the combination of Sun and Oracle is well equipped to compete successfully against the giant. We hope this [removes] some of the uncertainty. We're in it to win it." 看來, 項莊舞劍, 志在沛公.
I talked to Oracle AP product & solution team last Friday. Oracle AP still keep mute about the Sun and Oracle business & product roadmap due to internal policy. Some advices from them :
Those were what Ellison said in the OpenWorld. You can read the notes from the meeting.
Oxacle kills the following products after announced "Open Approach"
Oxacle is very dollar & cent company.