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Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery.

1. Be lazy
// Don't
if ($('#item').get(0)) {

// Or
if ($('#item').length) {

// Just do

jQuery will call the function only if there is a match, no need to double check.

2. Use shortcuts
// You can but..
// ...

// There is a shorter equivalent
// ...

It should be well known, but obviously it is not.

3. Chain
// Don't
$('#frame .title').show();
$('#frame a:visited').hide;

// Do

Unnecessary DOM traversal is a expensive operation, avoid it when possible.

4. Group queries
// Ugly

// Not ugly
$('div.close, button.close, input.close')

5. Select siblings like a pro
// Don't
$('#nav li').click(function(){
$('#nav li').removeClass('active');

// Do
$('#nav li').click(function(){

6. Use each and map
// Try to avoid
var output = [];
for (var i=0;i < arr.length; i++) {

// Do
var output = $.map(arr, function() {

// Or
var output = [];
$.each(arr, function(index, value) {

Using jQuery's each and map is more reliable because they won't break if another library is extending the Array object.

7. Use namespaces
Events can be namespaced
$('input').bind('blur.validation', function(e){
// ...

The data method also accept namespaces
$('input').data('validation.isValid', true);

8. triggerHandler is great
Instead of
var refreshFrame = function() {



You can do
$('.button').click(function() {

// You can also use a shortcut
$('.button').click(function() {

triggerHandler is also useful for creating custom events, which leads me to my next tip

9. Custom events
In some situation it can saves you lots of pain, it's also really handy to encapsulate plugins interactions. Let me illustrate.
$('.button').click(function() {
$('div#frame').load('/page/frame.html', function(){

// PluginA.js
$('#frame').bind('frameLoaded', function(){
$(this).show('slide', {direction: 'top'});

// PluginB.js
$('div').bind('frameLoaded', function(){
// do something else

10. Test !
jQuery comes with a nice unit test framework called QUnit. Writing tests is quite easy and allow you to confidently modify your code while ensuring that it still works as expected.
module("A simple test");

test("The frame should appear #button is clicked", function() {
ok($('#frame').is(':visible'), "The frame is visible" );


