Hello everyone, it’s Ray!
Today I’m going to share an amazing, very famous and powerful editor with a long history of over 50 years, it’s called “Vim”
Sorry but I’m not going to introduce its history, if you are interested, you could google it. I think google serves as a better history teacher than me.
Except for an editor specially designed for coding, it’s ubiquitous among all of those popular editors, or even IDEs, such as those I am using, PHPSTORM, or SUbline.
Before further digging into Vim, let’s talk about, why would we use Vim?
Before opting for my career as an coder, I already started to use touch typing, which means using the jutted point on F and J key to locate, so I could type without looking at my keyboard even I had my eyes covered.
After starting to code, what annoyed me the most was not the logic, neither the syntax, instead, it’s the necessity of switching among the mouse, main key section, and arrow key section on my keyboard.
Before the serendipity with Vim, I had been looking for keyboard with key.mapping function, because I reckon that the ideal way of typing is being able to complete all those required maneouvres with my palm fixed and stay on the main key area.
Theoretically speaking, if there are two coders with same experience, logic, and skill, the one who could type faster definitely has more output, which means he could finish his job earlier.
So you ask me, why should I finish my job so early?
Hey bros, time is priceless! The earlier you finish your job, the more time will be at your disposal!
各位大大,時間就是金錢啊!! 越快完成表示省下越多的時間,代表你可以運用的時間將越多!
For some tech fanatics, oh! Sorry, I mean with great passion on tech, like me, it means that I could have more time for tech stuff.
Time is the most valuable currency, even more precious than Bitcoin!
You could utilise it on companying with your family, friends, binge watching, or even with your girlfriend! Oh, sorry but you’ve got to have a girlfriend first, for someone who doesn’t, like me, I’m so sorry!
The most basic and useful function of Vim is that arrow key function like up, down, left, and right could be achieved by simply pressing h, j, k, and l. In other words, it solves the irritant of switching from main key section and arrow key section with your right hand.
Vim的最基本也最實用的功能,就是可以使用h, j, k, l四個鍵來當成上下左右,換言之,他已經解決我們最大的問題-需要在方向鍵區與主鍵區頻繁的移動。
Basically Vim is divided with three modes- normal, insert, and visual. That said moving your cursor on normal mode, coding on insert mode, and it’s visual mode where from time to time we highlight a whole line or a couple of characters for further copying or cutting or even something more delicate.
After the dissection above, have you found the charm of Vim?
I hope that you’ve been enjoyable on this article. See you guys!