What's the difference between using “let” and “var”?
ECMAScript 6 introduced the let statement.
I've heard it that it's described as a "local" variable, but I'm still not quite sure how it behaves differently than the var keyword.
What are the differences? When should let be used over var?
ECMAScript 6中導入了 let 宣告,我聽說他就像是一個區域變數,但是我還不太清楚他跟var的本質上的不同,我應該使用哪個比較好?
The difference is scoping. var is scoped to the nearest function block and let is scoped to the nearest enclosing block, which can be smaller than a function block. Both are global if outside any block.
不同的地方在於範圍,var 的範圍只會影像到比較近的function,但是let則是在封閉的區域,甚至可以比function的區域還要在更小,兩個如果都不被限制在一個區域內而放在外面則都可以是全域變數
Also, variables declared with let are not accessible before they are declared in their enclosing block. As seen in the demo, this will throw a ReferenceError exception.
They are very similar when used like this outside a function block.
let me = 'go'; // globally scoped
var i = 'able'; // globally scoped
However, global variables defined with let will not be added as properties on the global window object like those defined with var.
console.log(window.me); // undefined
console.log(window.i); // 'able'
They are identical when used like this in a function block.
function ingWithinEstablishedParameters() {
let terOfRecommendation = 'awesome worker!'; //function block scoped
var sityCheerleading = 'go!'; //function block scoped
Here is the difference. let is only visible in the for() loop and var is visible to the whole function
不同點:let 只有在for()可以被看到,而var則是整個function內都可以獲取
function allyIlliterate() {
//tuce is *not* visible out here
for( let tuce = 0; tuce < 5; tuce++ ) {
//tuce is only visible in here (and in the for() parentheses)
//and there is a separate tuce variable for each iteration of the loop
//tuce is *not* visible out here
function byE40() {
//nish *is* visible out here
for( var nish = 0; nish < 5; nish++ ) {
//nish is visible to the whole function
//nish *is* visible out here
Assuming strict mode, var will let you re-declare the same variable in the same scope.
'use strict';
var me = 'foo';
var me = 'bar'; // No problem, 'me' is replaced.
On the other hand, let will not:
'use strict';
let me = 'foo';
let me = 'bar'; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'me' has already been declared