

[Shell] Common Shells: sh, csh, tcsh, ash, bash

  • 分享至 

  • xImage
  • sh
  1. Bourne Shell, developed by Steve Bourne @ AT&T
  2. The standard shell on UNIX based system.
  3. The first popular shell.
  • csh
  1. Developed by Bill Joy.
  2. Bill built csh, vi, BSD.
  • tcsh
  1. An improved version of csh.
  2. Compared with csh, adding Command-line completion.
  • ash
  1. Light-weighted Shell
  2. Compatible with bash.
  • bash
  1. bash is compatible with sh(Bourne Shell).
    Difference between bash and sh
    bash expands some params, and commands
  • GNU/Linux
    Use commands to exminate available shells:
$ cat /etc/shells

On GNU/Linux, sh is replaced with bash

$ echo $SHELL

SHELL is an environment variable under GNU/Linux, it indicates the path of current shell we use.


