本篇同步發文於個人網站: Moving Features
This article references the chapter 8 " Moving Features " of Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition). Author had highlighted many important refactorings in this chapter.
I use .NET C# to practice with these refactorings and upload to Github.

(Photo from Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/plumber-repair-tools-pipe-plunger-4427401/https://pixabay.com/illustrations/moving-boxes-mover-moving-truck-3671446/ )
Move Function
- If a nested function of a outer function may be used for other situations, move this nested function to a general scope.
- If a function of a class is better for other class, move this function into the target class.
- Moving a Nested Function to Top Level
- Moving between Classes
Move Field
- If other structures are modified after one field is modified, we should move this field into a central structure.
- Field should be encapsulated, it means that we add get/set accessors to encapsulate fields to avoid "Bare" record.
- A simple example
- Moving to a Shared Object
Move Statements into Function
- If some statement repeatably works on many places, we should move it into a function.
Move Statements into Callers
- If some statement are changed by callers in a function, we should extract it to each caller.
- Just use the Move Statements into Function example from end to start
Replace Inline Code with Function Call
- If some inline code has been implements in some function, replace it with the function.
- A good naming function shows what the inline code outputs without understanding the implementation
bool hasMyFavoriteFruit = false;
foreach(var fruit in basket)
if(fruit == "Apple")
hasMyFavoriteFruit = true;
bool hasMyFavoriteFruit = basket.Contains("Apple");
Slide Statements
- Some variable declarations are placed together on the top of scope, but author recommends that he declares variable when only first time he uses it.
- Some statement has side-effect. If we slide it without test, it may cause the error.
- We can implement the statement (function) by using Command/Query separation pattern to avoid the side-effect.
- This refactoring focuses on the change of the state. When we slide statement, Split Variable is a good method.
Sliding with Conditionals
// before refactoring
Response result = null;
if(connection.Status == Status.OK)
result = CreateSuccessMessage();
result = CreateFailsMessage();
return result;
// after refactoring
Response result = null;
if(connection.Status == Status.OK)
result = CreateSuccessMessage();
result = CreateFailsMessage();
return result;
Split Loop
- If a loop contains many independent works, split them into their own loop scope.
- We use Move Statement to move related variable declaration near by the new loop.
- Split loop can be extracted as a function.
Replace Loop with Pipeline is a better implementation.
Replace Loop with Pipeline
- Collection Pipeline is a modern pattern. A pipeline receives a collection and process it with some operations and outputs a new collection.
- JavaScript has map/filter/... pipeline functions, C# has LINQ (select/where...).
- Pipeline increases the code readability.
Remove Dead Code
- If some code is not used ever, remove it to avoid confusing you/your team members.
- Version control can manage all code history. Make the good use of it.
This chapter introduces me how to move the code logic greatly. In my early coding job, I used to write long logic function. And this function was gradually hard maintainable. I learned some like Moving Features skills to enhance the code but it still was not completed. I have grown up to write better code when I study this refactoring chapter. If you want to learn detailed motivation and mechanics, study the chapter 8 " Moving Features " of Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition). and it improves our programmer's ability.