第十四天要實作的目標是理解 JS 中 Reference VS Copy 的問題
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網頁一開始的樣子如下,有一些英文題目,我們直接利用作者的 code 做分段的概念解釋
在這個實測中可以知道,當 B 變數等於 A 變數,接著 A 變數改變後 B 並不會跟著改變,因為在 JS 中這些是 簡單型別 因此在 B 變數被賦值時是在新的記憶體空間存放 A 的值,它們的記憶體空間沒有共用
let age = 100;
let age2 = age;
console.log(age, age2);
age = 200;
console.log(age, age2);
let name = 'Wes';
let name2 = name;
console.log(name, name2);
name = 'wesley';
console.log(name, name2);
而這個實例中就可以發現,當我更改了等於原陣列的 team 後,原陣列的值也一起被改動了
const players = ['Wes', 'Sarah', 'Ryan', 'Poppy'];
const team = players;
console.log(players, team);
team[3] = 'Lux';
console.log(players, team)
const team2 = players.slice();
team2[3] = 'owo';
console.log(players, team2);
concat() 通常用來做兩個陣列的合併,並會回傳一個合併後的陣列,我們在這裡以空陣列合併 players 即可達成目的
const team3 = [].concat(players);
team3[3] = 'AwA';
console.log(players, team3);
,解構賦值之前學到的 ES6 語法也會傳回一個新的陣列
const team4 = [...players];
team4[3] = 'heeee hawww';
console.log(players, team4);
const team5 = Array.from(players);
team5[3] = 'QQQQQQQQQ';
console.log(players, team5);
一樣,先做最基本的嘗試,得知了 object 跟陣列的情況一致
const person = {
name: 'Wes Bos',
age: 80
const captain = person;
console.log(person, captain);
captain.number = 99;
console.log(person, captain);
繼續讓我們來了解一下 object 正確的傳值方法
const cap2 = Object.assign({}, person, { number: 99, age: 12 });
,一樣是解構賦值const cap3 = {...person};
cap3.number = 9999;
console.log(person, cap3);
// start with strings, numbers and booleans
let age = 100;
let age2 = age;
console.log(age, age2);
age = 200;
console.log(age, age2);
let name = 'Wes';
let name2 = name;
console.log(name, name2);
name = 'wesley';
console.log(name, name2);
// Let's say we have an array
const players = ['Wes', 'Sarah', 'Ryan', 'Poppy'];
// and we want to make a copy of it.
const team = players;
console.log(players, team);
// You might think we can just do something like this:
team[3] = 'Lux';
// however what happens when we update that array?
console.log(players, team);
// now here is the problem!
// oh no - we have edited the original array too!
// Why? It's because that is an array reference, not an array copy. They both point to the same array!
// So, how do we fix this? We take a copy instead!
const team2 = players.slice();
team2[3] = 'owo';
console.log(players, team2);
// one way
// or create a new array and concat the old one in
const team3 = [].concat(players);
team3[3] = 'AwA';
console.log(players, team3);
// or use the new ES6 Spread
const team4 = [...players];
team4[3] = 'heeee hawww';
console.log(players, team4);
const team5 = Array.from(players);
team5[3] = 'QQQQQQQQQ';
console.log(players, team5);
// now when we update it, the original one isn't changed
// The same thing goes for objects, let's say we have a person object
// with Objects
const person = {
name: 'Wes Bos',
age: 80
// and think we make a copy:
const captain = person;
console.log(person, captain);
captain.number = 99;
console.log(person, captain);
// how do we take a copy instead?
const cap2 = Object.assign({}, person, { number: 99, age: 12 });
console.log(person, cap2);
// We will hopefully soon see the object ...spread
const cap3 = {...person};
cap3.number = 9999;
console.log(person, cap3);
以上是第十四天的製作紀錄,如有錯誤或不足的地方還請多多指教 >.<
JavaScript Fundamentals: Reference VS Copy #JavaScript30 14/30
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