最近在玩 C language
想著以後要是 web 不做了的話,可以去做跟 Linux 有關的
還有 Jetbrains 全家桶真的好用XDDD
這是在自己做練習的時候,從 IDE 內新增專案的時候看到的
想說到底有什麼區別,找了一下找到 Stack overflow 上有人解說
If you're building a self standing program, you'll want an executable.
But you might be building a library of functions/classes that provide utility to someone else or another project. In that case you'll want other programs to be able to link against the library to access those functions/classes, either statically - to compile the library into their project - or dynamically to fetch stuff the library at runtime.
大意就是 Executable