- Reporting defects
- State testing (Remove activities)
- Product backlog - INVEST
- acceptance criteria
- writing requirement & user stories -> act as a scrum master
jira -> software development
- Kanban
- Scrum
- Bug tracking - defect lifecycle
General: issue = defect = fault = bug
Jira: Issue includes epics, user stories, defects, tasks, subtasks
project types:
- Team managed projects -> self-organized team
- Company managed projects -> jira admin
Company managed project
select company managed project

Name - MyFirstProject
Key - MYF1

Project divided into components
1. Components
- Component #1 - Android-rider
- Component #2 - iOS-rider
- Component #3 - Android-driver
- Component #4 - iOS-driver
- Component #5 - iPad OS-rider
- Component #6 - Apple watch-rider
- Component #7 - iPad OS-driver
- Component #8 - Uber website
- Component #9 - Admin Panel
2. Epics
User rider
- Login
- Register
- Request a ride
- Leave a rating
- My previous trips
- My wallet
- Request a ride for a friend
Uber driver
- Login
- Register
- Accept a ride
- Decline a ride
- Leave a rating
- Balance
- Previous tips
- My rating
- My balance (withdraw)
- Set status (busy, active)
3. User Stories
- As a user, I want to be able to login using phone number
- As a user, I want to be able to login using email address
- As a user, I want to be able to login using apple id
- As a user, I want to be able to save my login credential, so that I don't have to log in again each time I open the app
4. Tasks & subtasks
- Create wireframe for login -> @designers
- Develop login features -> @developer
- Create test cases for login functions -> @tester
- Perform case review for login functions -> @ developer
- Execute login test case & report feature defects -> @tester
Add components

Create Epics

勾選 Create another issue
如果打開Epic panel會看得見

Create Versions/Releases
Release / Version
- Shipped to users or clients
- ready for deveployment
- QA -> Client
- Executable file (.apk)
- Still under testing
- Dev -> QA

Create User Stories

Create acceptance Criteria
- 確認user stories are done
- DoD = Definition of Done
- 每一個User story 都要有DoD
- written
- reviewed (INVEST)
- All tasks are written
- All acceptance criteria are specified
- All acceptance criteria should be implemented or tested
As a user, I should be able to login using phone number
Acceptance Criteria
Check list based
- A place holder appears in Phone number field
- User can change country code from the list of countries
- OTP button is disabled as long as user didn't enter a valid phone number
- Phone number field should only accept numeric values
- User can only enter valid number of digits in Phone number field which is relevant to the country that he logs in from.
Scenario based
BDD (Behavior-driven development) Churkin format
some initial state
- Given that user enter a valid phone number
user does some action
- When user clicks/taps on "send OTP" button
system response with specific actions
- Then an OTP is sent to the user and he can user it to login to the app
user entered a valid phone number
AND user entered an invalid OTP
When user tries to validate his OTP
Then the system shows an error message telling user that OTP is wrong and asks him to enter it again
As a user, I want to be able to recover my password so that I can access my account in case I forget the password.
- GIVEN user navigate to login page
- WHEN user clicks on "forget password" password and enter a valid email to receive link
- THEN system sends the link to the entered email
Write acceptance criteria in user story's description field

Create a bug
