本文內容係透過 Whisper 語音辨識技術將錄音檔案轉錄為文字稿,再經由大型語言模型(LLM)進行語意理解與重新詮釋,最後由人工微調潤飾而成。
在當今資訊爆炸的時代,知識的獲取與吸收變得至關重要。AI 技術的蓬勃發展為我們提供了一種強而有力的學習利器。本文將深入探討如何利用 AI 技術來輔助學習,特別是著重於如何透過 AI 與書籍、論文以及網路資訊進行互動對話,進而提升學習效率。藉由與 AI 的互動,我們能夠迅速理解複雜概念、獲得個人化的知識闡釋,甚至激發全新的思考方向。
本文將剖析幾種主流的 AI 解決方案,並分析其各自的優缺點,為讀者提供更清晰的選擇方向。
在 AI 領域中,RAG 是一種常用的技術架構,它使 AI 模型能夠在生成文本時參考外部知識庫。這種方法的優勢在於能夠根據特定資料提供精確的答案,提升回答的準確性。然而,由於 RAG 只擷取部分相關資料,因此可能無法完整捕捉資料的全貌,導致缺乏整體脈絡。
與 RAG 不同,全文上下文架構將整份文件(例如書籍或論文)作為輸入提供給 AI 模型。這種做法能夠保留完整的上下文資訊,使模型能夠進行更全面的分析和討論,生成更具深度和廣度的文本。然而,處理大量的文件資料需要消耗大量的計算資源,因此成本也相對較高,在實際應用中需要考量成本效益。
現今市場上有許多 AI 工具可協助我們提升學習效率,以下列舉幾項本人實際使用過的主流解決方案:
ChatGPT 的 GPTs 功能允許使用者上傳文件建立知識庫(knowledge base),並透過 RAG 技術提取相關資訊回答問題。
Claude Projects 可將整個文檔納入上下文,提供更完整的知識庫體驗。
NotebookLM 採用全文上下文方法處理知識庫,類似 Claude Project,但提供更多創新功能。
AnythingLLM 是一款基於 RAG 技術的本地知識庫解決方案。
為了比較這些工具的效果,我進行了一個小實驗,將《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》的原文小說上傳到各個平台,並提出一些問題來測試它們的能力。
不論是 Google NotebookLM、Claude Project 和 AnythingLLM 都能正確回答是鳳凰尾羽( phoenix tail feather),並指出相關的文本段落。
According to the book, Harry's wand has a phoenix feather core. Specifically, when Harry visits Ollivander's wand shop, Mr. Ollivander tells him:
"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather — just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother — why, its brother gave you that scar."
So Harry's wand contains a phoenix tail feather as its magical core.
Harry's wand contains a **phoenix feather** at its core. Wands from Ollivanders, where Harry gets his wand, all contain powerful magical substances at their core. According to the wandmaker, Mr. Ollivander, these substances are usually **unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons**. Mr. Ollivander explains that no two Ollivander wands are the same because no two magical creatures are exactly alike.
The core material of Harry’s wand is phoenix tail feather.
Google NotebookLM 和 Claude Project 在資訊擷取方面表現出色,皆能精確描述事件細節,並指出書中雖未明確提及次數,但透過多個情節佐證。相較之下,AnythingLLM 僅擷取部分資訊,導致回覆相對簡略。
Based on the details provided in the text, there were multiple attempts to deliver Harry's Hogwarts acceptance letter before he finally received it:
1. The first letter arrived in the regular mail, but Uncle Vernon destroyed it.
2. More letters started arriving, pushed under the door and through cracks.
3. On Friday, twelve letters arrived for Harry.
4. On Saturday, twenty-four letters arrived hidden inside eggs.
5. On Sunday, dozens of letters came flying out of the fireplace.
After all these failed attempts, Hagrid finally delivered the letter to Harry in person at the hut on the rock.
While an exact number isn't given, the text indicates there were many attempts over several days, with increasing numbers of letters each time. The Dursleys went to great lengths to prevent Harry from receiving the letter, including nailing the mail slot shut and fleeing to the remote hut. So there were likely dozens, if not hundreds, of intercepted letters before Harry finally got to read his Hogwarts acceptance.
While the excerpts from *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone* make it clear that Uncle Vernon intercepts multiple Hogwarts letters addressed to Harry, the exact number of intercepted letters is **never explicitly stated** in the text.
However, the provided excerpts offer a glimpse into the escalating series of events surrounding the arrival and interception of these letters:
- **The First Letter:** When the very first letter arrives, Uncle Vernon appears to intercept and destroy it without hesitation, telling Harry it was simply a mistake: “[Where’s my letter?]” said Harry, the moment Uncle Vernon had squeezed through the door. “Who’s writing to me?” / “No one. It was addressed to you by mistake,” said Uncle Vernon shortly. “I have burned it.”
- **Increasing Quantity and Persistence:** The narrative emphasizes how the number of letters increases with each passing day, along with the increasingly creative and determined methods employed to deliver them. For example, on Friday, twelve letters arrive, followed by twenty-four letters hidden in eggs on Saturday. Eventually, the letters even resort to flying down the chimney: "On Friday, no less than twelve letters arrived for Harry… On Saturday, things began to get out of hand. Twenty-four letters to Harry found their way into the house… Something came whizzing down the kitchen chimney as he spoke and caught him sharply on the back of the head. Next moment, thirty or forty letters came pelting out of the fireplace like bullets."
- **Uncle Vernon's Desperation:** Uncle Vernon's attempts to prevent Harry from receiving these letters become increasingly frantic. He resorts to nailing up the mail slot, boarding up the doors, and eventually fleeing the house entirely to escape the relentless influx of Hogwarts correspondence: "After burning all the letters, he got out a hammer and nails and boarded up the cracks around the front and back doors so no one could go out… “That does it,” said Uncle Vernon, trying to speak calmly but pulling great tufts out of his mustache at the same time. “I want you all back here in five minutes ready to leave. We’re going away. Just pack some clothes. No arguments!”
While the text does not offer a specific count, these excerpts show that **many letters** are sent to Harry, with Uncle Vernon intercepting each one until Hagrid arrives at the secluded island to personally deliver Harry's acceptance letter. This ultimately proves futile, as the magic of Hogwarts, and Harry's destiny, cannot be denied.
The letters were intercepted multiple times before Harry received his acceptance letter; specifically, there were at least twelve letters that arrived for him, which were all intercepted by the Dursleys. Additionally, Uncle Vernon burned some of the letters and took extreme measures to prevent any further delivery.
Google NotebookLM 的 Notebook Guide 具備多項創新功能,能有效提升閱讀效率並加深讀者對書籍內容的理解。例如,它可以自動生成 Timeline 和 Study Guide,幫助讀者快速掌握書籍架構和重點。此外,它還提供 Audio Overview 功能,將書籍內容轉化為 Podcast 形式的音頻檔案,由兩位 AI 主持人進行深入剖析,方便讀者利用碎片化時間吸收知識。
透過這些功能,讀者可以快速了解書籍概要,並判斷是否值得投入時間深入閱讀。我已將 Audio Overview 的範例上傳至 SoundCloud,讀者可以參考看看實際效果。
以下將介紹幾項實用的 AI 學習技巧,幫助在學習之路上事半功倍:
AI 輔助學習工具為我們開啟了全新的學習方式。無論是 RAG 技術還是全文上下文架構,都有其獨特的優勢。選擇適合自己需求的工具,並善用這些 AI 功能,可以大大提升學習效率和深度。然而,我們也要記住,AI 只是輔助工具,真正的學習和理解仍需仰賴學習者自身的投入和批判性思考。
隨著技術的持續發展,我們預期未來將湧現更多創新的 AI 學習輔助工具。讓我們積極擁抱這些新技術,並在保持獨立思考能力的同時,充分利用 AI 的潛力,最大化我們的學習成果。