

2024 iThome 鐵人賽


異世界生存戰記:30天煉成GKE大師系列 第 3

Day3 Terraform 馭雲術:打造我的 GKE 容器帝國

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在現代雲端運算環境中,快速的部署和管理應用程式至關重要。目前公司所有的服務都運行在 GKE 上,當中分別有 Dev, Stage, Beta, Production 等四個環境多個GKE Cluster,為了保持各環境的一至性、複用性,因此導入了 Terraform 實現基礎架構即程式碼 (IAC) 的利器,再搭配 CICD Pipeline,可以大大提升 SRE 團隊的工作效率。 本篇文章將帶領您深入了解如何使用 Terraform 來自動化 GKE 的部署,從而提高效率、減少錯誤,並實現可重複的基礎架構管理。

為什麼使用 Terraform 進行部署?

雖然可以為 GKE 集群使用內置的 GCP 配置流程(UI、SDK/CLI),但 Terraform 提供了幾個好處:

  • 統一工作流程: 如果您已經使用 Terraform 將基礎架構部署到 Google Cloud,則您的 GKE 集群可以適應該工作流程。您還可以使用 Terraform 將應用程式部署到 GKE 集群中。
  • 完整生命週期管理: Terraform 不僅可以創建資源,還可以更新和刪除跟蹤的資源,而無需您檢查 API 來識別這些資源。
  • 關係圖: Terraform 瞭解資源之間的依賴關係。例如,如果您需要單獨管理的節點池,則 Terraform 不會在 GKE 集群創建失敗時嘗試創建節點池。

GKE 架構

同時創建兩個Node Pool,如下表

Node name Machine type Number Provisioning Model affinity 每節點的 Pod 數上限
cpu n1-standard-4 2~3 on-demand role=cpu 64
t4-spot n1-standard-4+nvidia-t4x2 0 spot role=t4-spot 預設110


  • backend "gcs" : 需要將 tfstate 狀態文件保存到 GCS,才能和他人協作,或導入 Terraform 的 CICD Pipeline。
  • enable_private_nodes = false : 創建出的 Node 不具有外網 IP,較為安全。
  • master_authorized_networks : GKE 比較特別的部分,可以理解為 Control Plane 的防火牆
  • subnetwork : 填入要使用的子網路,用來指定 Node 的 IP 範圍。
  • ip_range_pods : 填入子網路 ithome-202409-demo-us-central1-subnet 的次要 IP 名稱,用來指定 Pods 的 ip 範圍。
  • ip_range_services : 需要填入子網路 ithome-202409-demo-us-central1-subnet 的次要 IP 名稱,用來指定 Service 的 ip 範圍。


# provider.tf

terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source  = "hashicorp/google"
      version = "5.40.0"
# 將tfstat狀態文件保存到GCS
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = "tfstat狀態文件保存到GCS的BUCKET NAME"
    prefix = "gke/ithome-202409-demo-2"
provider "google" {
  project = "ithome-202409-demo-2"
# cluster.tf

locals {
  master_authorized_networks = flatten(
        # Control plane authorized networks CIDR
          cidr_block   = ""
          display_name = "ithome-202409-demo-us-central1-subnet"
          cidr_block   = ""
          display_name = "ithome-202409-demo-2-us-central1-subnet"
module "gke" {
  source                     = "terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/private-cluster"
  project_id                 = var.project_id
  name                       = "${var.cluster_name_suffix}-cluster"
  service_account_name       = "${var.cluster_name_suffix}-cluster"
  region                     = var.region
  zones                      = var.zones
  network                    = var.network
  network_project_id         = var.network_project_id
  subnetwork                 = var.subnetwork
  ip_range_pods              = var.ip_range_pods
  ip_range_services          = var.ip_range_services
  http_load_balancing        = true #開啟Http Load Balancing
  network_policy             = false
  horizontal_pod_autoscaling = true
  filestore_csi_driver       = true #Filestore CSI 驅動程式
  gcs_fuse_csi_driver        = true #Cloud Storage FUSE CSI 驅動程式
  datapath_provider          = "ADVANCED_DATAPATH" //enables Dataplane-V2 feature.
  enable_private_endpoint    = true
  enable_private_nodes       = true
  deletion_protection        = false
  master_ipv4_cidr_block     = var.master_ipv4_cidr_block
  master_authorized_networks = local.master_authorized_networks
  gateway_api_channel        = "CHANNEL_STANDARD" #開啟 Gateway API
  remove_default_node_pool = true
  cluster_resource_labels = {
    createdby = "terraform"
module "gke_auth" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/auth"
  project_id   = var.project_id
  location     = module.gke.location
  cluster_name = module.gke.name
# variables.tf

module "gke" {
  node_pools = [

  node_pools_labels = {
    "${var.node_pool_cpu.config.name}"      = var.node_pool_cpu.kubernetes_label
    "${var.node_pool_t4-spot.config.name}"  = var.node_pool_t4-spot.kubernetes_label

  node_pools_taints = {
    "${var.node_pool_cpu.config.name}"      = var.node_pool_cpu.taints
    "${var.node_pool_t4-spot.config.name}"  = var.node_pool_t4-spot.taints

  node_pools_resource_labels = {
    "${var.node_pool_cpu.config.name}"      = var.node_pool_cpu.node_pools_resource_labels
    "${var.node_pool_t4-spot.config.name}"  = var.node_pool_t4-spot.node_pools_resource_labels

variable "project_id" {
  description = "The Project ID."
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo-2"
variable "network_project_id" {
  description = "The project that control shared VPC networks."
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo"
variable "cluster_name_suffix" {
  description = "A suffix to append to the default cluster name"
  default     = "demo2"
variable "region" {
  description = "The region to host the cluster in"
  default     = "us-central1"
variable "zones" {
  description = "The zones to host the cluster in"
  default     = ["us-central1-a"]
variable "network" {
  description = "The VPC network to host the cluster in"
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo-vpc"
variable "subnetwork" {
  description = "The subnetwork to host the cluster in"
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo-2-us-central1-subnet"
variable "ip_range_pods" {
  description = "The secondary ip range to use for pods"
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo-2-pod-subnet"
variable "ip_range_services" {
  description = "The secondary ip range to use for services"
  default     = "ithome-202409-demo-2-service-subnet"
variable "master_ipv4_cidr_block" {
  description = "Control plane authorized networks cidr"
  default     = ""

### Node pool
variable "node_pool_cpu" {
  default = {
      config = {
        name            = "cpu"
        machine_type    = "n1-standard-4"
        max_pods_per_node = 64
        node_locations  = "us-central1-a"
        autoscaling     = true
        min_count       = 2
        max_count       = 3
        local_ssd_count = 0
        spot            = false
        disk_size_gb    = 50
        disk_type       = "pd-standard"
        image_type      = "COS_CONTAINERD"
        enable_gcfs     = true
        enable_gvnic    = false
        logging_variant = "DEFAULT"
        auto_repair     = true
        auto_upgrade    = true
        preemptible     = false
      node_pools_resource_labels = {
        team = "cpu"
      kubernetes_label = {
        role = "cpu"
      taints = [
variable "node_pool_t4-spot" {
  default = {
      config = {
        name            = "t4-spot"
        machine_type    = "n1-standard-4"
        accelerator_count  = "2"
        accelerator_type   = "nvidia-tesla-t4"
        gpu_sharing_strategy = "TIME_SHARING"
        max_shared_clients_per_gpu = 1
        gpu_driver_version = "LATEST"
        node_locations  = "us-central1-a"
        autoscaling     = false
        node_count      = 0
        local_ssd_count = 0
        spot            = true
        disk_size_gb    = 200
        disk_type       = "pd-ssd"
        image_type      = "COS_CONTAINERD"
        enable_gcfs     = true
        enable_gvnic    = true
        logging_variant = "DEFAULT"
        auto_repair     = true
        auto_upgrade    = true
        preemptible     = false
      node_pools_resource_labels = {
        team = "ai"
      kubernetes_label = {
        role = "t4-spot"
      taints = [
          key    = "role"
          value  = "t4-spot"
          effect = "NO_SCHEDULE"

Terraform 執行時,可進入 GKE 的 UI 介面查看,如下圖,發現 Cluster 正在創建


等到 Node Pool 創建完成後


查看 Shared VPC Host Project 的虛擬網路,會發現自動創建了一個 gke-demo2-cluster-e1fb029d-pe-subnet 的子網路,是 Control Plane 所在的子網路,這是今年7月後更新的版本,所以在2024年7月以前創建的 GKE 是看不到控制節點的 Subnet。


但是會發現不能連接到外網,因為我們將 Node Pool 都建立成私有,本身不具備公網 IP,必須要透過 NAT Gateway 將封包送出,以下是創建 NAT 的 Terraform,有幾個地方需要注意

  • Project 需使用 Shared VPC Host Project
  • Region 需要設定和 Node Pool 同一個地區


Google Cloud NAT (Network Address Translation) 讓您在沒有外部 IP 地址的情況下,將虛擬機器執行個體連線到網際網路。它會在傳輸資料時,將執行個體的內部 IP 位址轉換為 Google Cloud 的公開 IP 位址,讓執行個體能夠起始網際網路連線,而無須將它們公開在網際網路上。

以 Terraform 創建 NAT,因為以下 yaml 檔案行數不多,所以將 main.tf, variable.tf, provider.tf 合併在同一份 yaml 內

# provider.tf
terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source  = "hashicorp/google"
      version = "5.4.0"
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket  = "playsee-dev-terraform-bucket-tfstate"
    prefix  = "network/nat-gateway-ithome-202409-demo"
provider "google" {
  project     = "${var.project}"
resource "google_compute_router" "router" {
  name    = "${var.router}"
  region  = "${var.region}"
  network = "${var.network}"

  bgp {
    asn = 64514

# main.tf
resource "google_compute_router_nat" "nat" {
  name                               = "${var.nat}"
  router                             = "${var.router}"
  region                             = "${var.region}"
  nat_ip_allocate_option             = "AUTO_ONLY"
  source_subnetwork_ip_ranges_to_nat = "ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES"

  log_config {
    enable = true
    filter = "ERRORS_ONLY"

# variable.tf
variable "project" {
  description = "GCP project ID"
  type        = string
  default = "ithome-202409-demo"
variable "network" {
  description = "Name of the GCP VPC Network"
  type        = string
  default = "projects/ithome-202409-demo/regions/us-central1/networks/ithome-202409-demo-vpc"
variable "region" {
  description = "Name of the GCP region"
  type        = string
  default = "us-central1"
variable "nat" {
  description = "Name of the GCP NAT"
  type        = string
  default = "ithome-202409-demo-c1"
variable "router" {
  description = "Name of the GCP NAT router"
  type        = string
  default = "ithome-202409-demo-vpc-router-nat"

創建完成後,進入 NAT 的 UI 介面查看



在本文中,學習了如何使用 Terraform 構建一個私有的 GKE 集群,並配置 GCP NAT 網關使其能夠訪問外部網絡。私有集群通過限制工作節點與公網的連接,極大地提高了集群的安全性。
首先定義了私有集群所需的網絡資源,包括 VPC、Subnet(子網) 和防火墻規則。接著,利用 Terraform 的模塊化特性,輕鬆地部署了私有 GKE 集群。最後,創建了一個 GCP NAT 網關,並將其與集群的子網相關聯,使得集群內的 Pod 能夠通過 NAT 網關訪問外部網絡資源,同時保持自身對外部網絡的不可見性。
通過此次實踐,希望讀者深刻體會到 Terraform 在自動化基礎設施建設方面的強大能力,以及私有 GKE 集群在安全性和靈活性方面帶來的優勢。


Day2 告別網路孤島 Shared VPC 打造安全連接
Day4 串連VPC的魔法陣 Cloud VPN

