最近在處理公司mail問題時,發現有些客戶會收不到我們公司的mail都是因為公司的mail geteway查不到對方的MX所造成,透過網路的工具去查詢對方的mx,確實也是查無紀錄,但測試用gmail去寄給對方,這時對方又可收到了。
因為gmail是寄成功的,因此懷疑是不是公司mail geteway的問題,後面改測試exchange直接寄給對方,結果是寄信成功,也因此就目前來看,真的是我mail geteway有問題,但我有點不懂的是...不管我怎麼去查對方的mx,也透過一些網路的工具查詢,確實也都查不到MX,但不解的是為什麼這樣對方還收的到mail。
- Address Resolution and Mail Handling
The lookup first attempts to locate an MX record associated with the name.
If a CNAME record is found instead,the resulting name is processed as if it were the initial name.
If no MX records are found, but an A RR is found, the A RR is treated as if it was associated with an implicit MX RR, with a preference of 0,pointing to that host.
除了某些DNS可能還有cache的狀況,只要有MX或是A RR都可以寄到,並不非一定要有MX RR不可....