免費和開源:Temple Linux 是免費和開源的。 您可以免費下載和使用它,並且可以透過社群貢獻來改進它。
功能豐富:Linux Temple提供了豐富的功能,包括網站管理、電子郵件服務、資料庫管理、FTP服務等,可協助您輕鬆管理Linux伺服器。
使用者友善的介面:Linux Temple 提供直覺的使用者介面,heardle 使伺服器管理變得更加容易,即使對於不熟悉 Linux 的使用者也是如此。
穩定性和安全性:Linux已經被廣泛使用和測試。 擁有穩定的社區和開發團隊,透過及時的更新和維護來確保系統的穩定性和安全性
In this game, teams are placed on separate islands with beds they need to protect. Bed Wars involves gathering resources like iron, gold, and emeralds to buy blocks, weapons, and upgrades that help in both defense and offense. Players must keep their bed safe from enemy attacks while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. A destroyed bed means no respawning, making defense a crucial aspect of the game. The last team with their bed intact or the final player standing wins.