
laacura 的所有回答 28


I don't think it is caused by Logmein, I install over 100 PC for logmein, and un...

2008-06-19 ‧ 由 Pankt 提問


What is that? Can you describe more details? On browser? on computer?

2008-05-23 ‧ 由 laulau 提問


I tried that kind of website before, your friend on your MSN list will receive a...

2008-05-23 ‧ 由 laulau 提問

如何確定DNS SERVER沒問題?

Try this one: You will get the erro...

2008-04-25 ‧ 由 jease 提問

I.E. 6.0 和 I.E. 7.0 相比較, 那個較好用?/

I prefer IE6, unless some software or website require IE7.

2008-04-17 ‧ 由 pqr0007 提問


Two partition is ok, I usually leave C drive to 30 ~ 40 GB. you might instll mor...

2008-04-17 ‧ 由 jease 提問

Vista business -window mail 的壓縮問題:從來沒成功過? 有誰能幫我呢?

你是用 Outlook Express 嗎? 先 "離線工作" 再壓縮 試試看...

2008-04-13 ‧ 由 decemberz 提問

縮寫 IT 與 縮寫 IS 是不是相同意思??

I think he is asking IT (Information Technology) and IS (Information System). Th...

2008-04-08 ‧ 由 pqr0007 提問