
laacura 的所有留言 23


very good idea, we should include more vendors.....

2009-07-15 ‧ 由 laacura 留言


多謝抬愛!!! ^_^

2009-02-03 ‧ 由 laacura 留言

各位邦友們,用Google Map告訴大家你身在何方?

不好意思, 擋住其他人了, 尤其是可愛的小妹妹.....

2008-10-24 ‧ 由 laacura 留言

Jerry_IT資訊技術手札 ~~毛遂自薦

very good blog, I saw some good article there. Do you provide new letter also?

2008-08-28 ‧ 由 laacura 留言


agree~ 不想註冊+2 Please post the details here, thanks!

2008-08-19 ‧ 由 laacura 留言

達標好文 免費網管軟體:Spiceworks

I try this software in our company network, really cool!!!

2008-08-04 ‧ 由 laacura 留言


this is really cool, congratulations! where can I buy it?

2008-07-23 ‧ 由 laacura 留言


thanks for the information, really interesting!

2008-07-23 ‧ 由 laacura 留言


This is really interesting, and I think they use the right way to hire the right...

2008-07-23 ‧ 由 laacura 留言