

insider 的所有留言 33

【WUG 降龍18式】What'sUpGold Certification Training 三日紀實

Recently, my company drops all WUG proposal/license renewal/implementation due t...

2013-08-09 ‧ 由 insider 留言


Standalone machine : nmon analyzer linux Linux servers farm : Nagios + check_mk...

2013-04-17 ‧ 由 insider 留言

達標好文 要虛擬之前先給我實體機吧

Likely your company management has no intentions to buy enterprise virtualizatio...

2012-12-17 ‧ 由 insider 留言


See the below real case : DxS Bxnk : old IBM Mainframe core banking system, CICS...

2012-11-22 ‧ 由 insider 留言

AIX telnet 不可登錄之問題排除.

Should use ssh instead of telnet. Telnet port is not allowed in most AIX environ...

2011-11-09 ‧ 由 insider 留言

在Windows Server 2008 R2上進行Hyper-V遠端管理

The Hyper-V guru put into the following powerpoint slides: 范修維 被控端設定 (防火牆) netsh...

2011-10-27 ‧ 由 insider 留言

IT掃地僧之Asus A6va Windows7化

You may try "Drive Life 2010" and it will help pick up the right drive...

2011-10-03 ‧ 由 insider 留言


Got MCP, Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 in August. 5 days certified training (full days)...

2011-09-28 ‧ 由 insider 留言

Toad 對程式開發人員之協助

Normally, the products of Quest family are not cheap. Toad is one of them and wi...

2011-07-13 ‧ 由 insider 留言