I think the people who think these shows are real must be stupid, really stupid....
The requirement for girls --> antijava提到: 百萬年薪 ? I will join if that is the...
可以定義什麼是「內鬥 內耗 不知長進」嗎? 批評花博用掉百億太浪費是不是「內鬥 內耗 不知長進」? 說花博的百億應該用來發展 IT 產業是不是「內鬥 內耗 不知...
還在「親愛的」、「您」,也難怪被罵笨死了。 ( In USA, there is no special "you" 「您」, and I b...
關於楊淑君被取消奧運跆拳比賽資格一事,我比較注意的是官方的解釋。 一開始,臺灣在場記者詢問,世跆盟秘書長梁振錫表示,「這是個人隱私,無法說明原因。」 但是,這種...
If I were your boss, I would fire you immediately. If you think managers are all...
How to tony101提到: 十萬美金 ? Answer: finding 1,000 idiots paying US 100 to you eve...
You should be proud of yourself. Your articles are the only reason I keep coming...