紀錄Google Developers ML Study Jam 課程心得,與大家一起進步並提升自己machine learning實力與知識
How Google does Machine Learning What it means to be AI first part 1 首先介紹此次課程最重要...
How Google does Machine Learning What it means to be AI first part 2 神奇的ML 今天就來聊...
How Google does Machine Learning How Google does ML ML 宗旨 講了這麼多例子如果還有人不懂ML在幹嘛的也沒...
How Google does Machine Learning Inclusive ML 模型評判 今天來談談如何驗證我們的模型好壞吧,評斷模型的好壞有很多種...
How Google does Machine Learning Python notebooks in the cloud part 1 今天來聊聊Lab:...
How Google does Machine Learning Python notebooks in the cloud part 2 Lab: Machi...
Launching into Machine Learning Practical ML part 1 監督式學習 今天就來講講監督式學習,並且提及一下相關的歷...
Launching into Machine Learning Practical ML part 2 Perceptron 今天來聊聊關於ML發展的整個流程吧...
Launching into Machine Learning Optimization part 1 接下來就談談一些關於最佳化的問題吧,首先有幾個步驟我們要...
Launching into Machine Learning Optimization part 2 TensorFlow Playground 今天就來玩玩...