

第 11 屆 iThome 鐵人賽
Google Developers Machine Learning

ML Study Jam -機器學習 系列

紀錄Google Developers ML Study Jam 課程心得,與大家一起進步並提升自己machine learning實力與知識

鐵人鍊成 | 共 30 篇文章 | 6 人訂閱 訂閱系列文 RSS系列文
DAY 21

Day 21 Preprocessing and Feature Creation part 2 (實作資料預處理)

Feature Enginnering Preprocessing and Feature Creation part 2 Computing Time-Win...

2019-10-07 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 22

Day 22 Feature Crosses part 1(特徵組合)

Feature Enginnering Feature Crosses part 1 甚麼是Feature Crosses? 大家看到這裡一定又一個頭兩個大了,...

2019-10-08 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 23

Day 23 Feature Crosses part 2 (特徵組合 on GCP)

Feature Enginnering Feature Crosses part 2 improve ML Model with Feature Enginee...

2019-10-09 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 24

Day 24 TF Transform

Feature Enginnering TF Transform 為什麼要做轉換呢??? 我想大家對於轉換數值或是改變型態都會有所疑問,首先講一個很簡單的觀念今...

2019-10-10 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 25

Day 25 The Art of ML and Hyperparameter Tuning(調整ML模型參數)

Art and Science of Machine Learning The Art of ML and Hyperparameter Tuning Regu...

2019-10-11 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 26

Day 26 A pinch of science (一些補充的小知識)

Art and Science of Machine Learning A pinch of science Regularization for Sparsi...

2019-10-12 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 27

Day 27 The science of neural networks part 1 (關於神經網路的那些事)

Art and Science of Machine Learning The science of neural networks part 1 Neural...

2019-10-13 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 28

Day 28 The science of neural networks part 2 (神經網路小實驗)

Art and Science of Machine Learning The science of neural networks part 2 Lab: N...

2019-10-14 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 29

Day 29 Embeddings (嵌入架構)

Art and Science of Machine Learning Embeddings Embeddings非常廣泛運用於NLP(Natural Lang...

2019-10-15 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享
DAY 30

Day 30 Custom Estimator (自定義的estimator)

Art and Science of Machine Learning Custom Estimator Using Custom Estimators 為什麼...

2019-10-16 ‧ 由 paul_wang 分享