最近在原來的gvpe網路上需要增加一個新的site,突然發現好像gvpe的工具程式gvpectrl似乎沒有一個選項可以只產生某一指定的node或新增一個node所需的private及public key。最後決定直接問作者:
Subject:Join a new host of gvpe network
Dear sir
How can I do if I'd like to join a new host without re-generate public/private RSA keypair of all hosts? Please help me , thank you !!
The default mode of operation n gvpectrl is not to generate any new keys.
So the way to do that is to simply run gvpectrl --gen-key, and the distribute the new keys - gvpectrl will simply skip the existing keys.
If you do not have all keys anymore, that doesn't matter either, you
can just throw away the newly generated keys and keep the old ones for
existing nodes.
簡單說,gvpectrl -c /etc/gvpe/gvpe.conf -g 這個產生key的指令會略過已經存在的key,只產生新的。所以重新將/etc/gvpe/pubkey/下新產生的key發送至其他node,將/etc/gvpe/hostkeys/下新產生的private key發送到新node成為/etc/gvpe/hostkey就可以了。