The RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 comes with systemd (System Management Daemon) which is a init system uses target instade of Runlevel Numbers but the concept is same.
To List all active units/services just run the below command.
# systemctl list-units
Or you can filter the unit list to find targets by using the below command.
# systemctl list-units --type=target
To check currently system is running in which Runlevel by using below command.
# systemctl get-default
Here currently I am in Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Runlevel No. 5. Also you can use the below command to check the current Runlevel.
# runlevel
To Switch the Runlevel to Text mode use the below command.
# systemctl set-default
If you want to switch to GUI from Text Mode you can use the below command.
# systemctl set-default
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