Postgrsql Timezone 及時間戳記資料型態
首先來看怎樣查現在 Server 設定的時區.
select current_setting('TIMEZONE');
| current_setting |
| Asia/Taipei |
show timezone;
| TimeZone |
| Asia/Taipei |
查現在時區與 UTC 的 offset
select extract(timezone from now()) / 3600 as "utc_offset"
, date_part('timezone', now()) / 3600 as "utc_offset_2";
| utc_offset | utc_offset_2 |
| 8 | 8 |
我們可以透過 pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names 查詢時區相關資料
show intervalstyle;
| IntervalStyle |
| iso_8601 |
select *
from pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names
where name ilike '%taipei%';
| name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst |
| Asia/Taipei | CST | PT8H | f |
在 Postgresql 內含的時區資料中, Asia/Taipei 對應的縮寫是CST,UTC偏移使用
iso_8601 表示為 8小時, is_dst 代表是否 日光節約時間.
也可以查詢 pg_timezone_abbrevs 獲得一些時區縮寫的相關資料
select utc_offset, is_dst
, string_agg(abbrev, ' ' order by abbrev) as abbrevs
, count(*) as cnt
from pg_timezone_abbrevs
group by utc_offset, is_dst
order by utc_offset, is_dst;
實際上有61筆,僅列出 標準時區
+-[ RECORD 23 ]--------------------------+
| utc_offset | PT0S |
| is_dst | f |
| abbrevs | GMT UCT UT UTC WET Z ZULU |
| cnt | 7 |
接著來探討 timestamp 與 timestamp with time zone 這兩個資料型態.
select pg_column_size(timestamp without time zone 'now')
, pg_column_size(timestamp with time zone 'now');
| pg_column_size | pg_column_size |
| 8 | 8 |
兩種型態都是 8 bytes.
timestamp 相信大家比較熟悉,以下搭配 timestamp with time zone
select *
from pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names
where name ~* 'tokyo|Ho_Chi_Minh';
| name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst |
| Asia/Tokyo | JST | PT9H | f |
| Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | +07 | PT7H | f |
select '2019-09-26'::timestamp
, timestamp '2019-09-26 16:41:39';
| timestamp | timestamp |
| 2019-09-26 00:00:00 | 2019-09-26 16:41:39 |
select '2019-09-26 02:41:39 UTC'::timestamptz
, timestamptz '2019-09-26 02:41:39 Zulu';
| timestamptz | timestamptz |
| 2019-09-26 10:41:39+08 | 2019-09-26 10:41:39+08 |
Zulu 是美軍常用的代號. 顯示時是以現在的 timezone 來表示.
因為 Taipei 時間,相對是 UTC +08 , 但是表示法後面的 +08
select timestamptz '2019-09-26 10:41:39+08' at time zone 'Asia/Taipei' as "Taiei#1"
, timestamptz '2019-09-26 02:41:39 Zulu' at time zone 'Asia/Taipei' as "Taiei#2"
, timestamptz '2019-09-26 10:41:39+08' at time zone 'Asia/Tokyo' as "Tokyo";
| Taiei#1 | Taiei#2 | Tokyo |
| 2019-09-26 10:41:39 | 2019-09-26 10:41:39 | 2019-09-26 11:41:39 |
注意這次是用 timestamp
select timestamp '2019-09-26 10:41:39' at time zone 'Asia/Taipei' as "Taiei"
, timestamp '2019-09-26 11:41:39' at time zone 'Asia/Tokyo' as "Tokyo";
| Taiei | Tokyo |
| 2019-09-26 10:41:39+08 | 2019-09-26 10:41:39+08 |
有沒有注意到,這個 at time zone 子句, 會將有時區的轉換成無時區的當地時間,反之亦然.
select timestamp '2019-09-26 10:41:39' at time zone 'Asia/Taipei' at time zone 'Asia/Taipei' as "Taiei Local Again";
| Taiei Local Again |
| 2019-09-26 10:41:39 |
昨天在討論 current_timestamp, clock_timestamp() 時,有注意到 current_timestamp 是以 transaction 時刻.
current 開頭的日期時間函數,還有 local 開頭的日期時間函數,都是 start time of the current transaction.
這些都是 SQL 標準的.
Postgresql 另外有 now(), 這是等於 transaction_timestamp() 也等於 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,方便使用時可以少打字.
另外有statement_timestamp(),顧名思義,就是每道語句的.當然還有 clock_timestamp().
接著我們來看 transaction 裡面,變更 timezone, 然後輸入時間戳,會是怎樣的情況.
create table ithelp190926 (
purets timestamp
, tstz timestamp with time zone
insert into ithelp190926 (purets, tstz)
select statement_timestamp(), statement_timestamp();
insert into ithelp190926 (purets, tstz)
select now(), now();
set timezone to 'Asia/Tokyo';
insert into ithelp190926 (purets, tstz)
select now(), now();
set timezone to 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh';
insert into ithelp190926 (purets, tstz)
select now(), now();
set timezone to 'Asia/Taipei';
-- transaction end
select * from ithelp190926;
| purets | tstz |
| 2019-09-26 21:22:49.068371 | 2019-09-26 21:22:49.068371+08 |
| 2019-09-26 21:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 21:21:59.462832+08 |
| 2019-09-26 22:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 21:21:59.462832+08 |
| 2019-09-26 20:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 21:21:59.462832+08 |
(4 rows)
注意到 statement_timestamp() 的時刻,比較晚. now() 就是 transaction 開始的時刻.
有 with time zone 不管時區怎樣改變,實際上的時刻都是一樣的,
set timezone to 'Asia/Tokyo';
select * from ithelp190926;
| purets | tstz |
| 2019-09-26 21:22:49.068371 | 2019-09-26 22:22:49.068371+09 |
| 2019-09-26 21:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 22:21:59.462832+09 |
| 2019-09-26 22:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 22:21:59.462832+09 |
| 2019-09-26 20:21:59.462832 | 2019-09-26 22:21:59.462832+09 |
可以觀察到, 有時區的很方便.
set timezone to 'Asia/Taipei';
根據上面的研討,兩種所佔用的空間是一樣的,都是 8 bytes.
有些人主張,全部存成 UTC 的,然後再自行計算調整.這也是一種方法.
若以使用 Postgresql 為主的情況下,使用有時區的格式,佔用空間相同,