題目 : 怕有版權問題稍微調整
A and B are trying to compare their BMI.
1. Store A's and B's mass and height in variables
2. Calculate both their BMIs
3. Create a boolean variable containing information about whether A has a higher BMI than B.
4. Print a string to the console containing the variable from step 3.
// ans
var mass_A, height_A, mass_B, height_B, BMI_A, BMI_B, isA_BMI_Higher;
mass_A = '100';
height_A = '1.9';
mass_B = '75';
height_B = '1.75';
BMI_A = Math.round(mass_A / Math.pow(height_A, 2));
BMI_B = Math.round(mass_B / Math.pow(height_B, 2));
console.log(BMI_A, BMI_B);
isA_BMI_Higher = BMI_A > BMI_B
console.log("Is A's BMI higher than B's? " + isA_BMI_Higher);
可透過 eN 替代數字尾隨的0, N = 的數量
console.log(2e5 + 10) // output = 200010
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