Don't say so much, just coding...
Given a string of words, you need to find the highest scoring word.
Each letter of a word scores points according to its position in the alphabet: a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
You need to return the highest scoring word as a string.
If two words score the same, return the word that appears earliest in the original string.
All letters will be lowercase and all inputs will be valid.
def high(x)
# Code here
describe "Basic Tests" do
it "should pass basic tests" do
Test.assert_equals(high('man i need a taxi up to ubud'), 'taxi')
Test.assert_equals(high('what time are we climbing up the volcano'), 'volcano')
Test.assert_equals(high('take me to semynak'), 'semynak')
Test.assert_equals(high('aaa b'), 'aaa')
function high(x){
// Code here
Test.describe("Example tests",_=>{
Test.assertEquals(high('man i need a taxi up to ubud'), 'taxi');
Test.assertEquals(high('what time are we climbing up the volcano'), 'volcano');
Test.assertEquals(high('take me to semynak'), 'semynak');
想法(1): 輸入的英文句子,可以先將每個字切開分群
想法(2): 再將每個群計算 ord
然後計算該群單詞 ord 總和
# Solution 1
def high(x)
x.split.max_by{ |x|{ |c| c.ord - 96}.sum }
// Solution 1
function high(x){
let max = x.split(' ').map(
(s) => [...s].reduce(
(sum, s) => sum + s.charCodeAt() - 96, 0
return x.split(' ')[max.indexOf(Math.max(...max))];