\ | 功能 | 唯一 |
<nav> |
導覽區塊 | 是 |
<main> |
主要內容 | 是 |
<aside> |
次要內容 | 是 |
<header> |
頁面 或 seciton 頭部 | 否 |
<section> |
自訂區塊 | 否 |
<footer> |
頁面 或 section 尾部 | 否 |
<article> |
文章 | 否 |
<p> |
文章段落 | 否 |
<blockquote> |
引用 | 否 |
<address> |
各種聯絡訊息 | 否 |
\ | 功能 |
<code> |
程式碼 |
<time> |
時間或時間區間 |
<h1>Why you should buy more cheeses than you currently do</h1>
<h2>Part 1: Variety is spicy</h2>
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<a href="tel:+">phone</a>
<img src="picture.png" alt="picture">
<source media="(max-width:1000px)" srcset="picture-lg.png">
<source media="(max-width:600px)" srcset="picture-mid.png">
<source media="(max-width:400px)" srcset="picture-sm.png">
有趣的 No-Class CSS Frameworks
HTML elements reference
Writing Semantic HTML
Semantic HTML And Why Does it Matter
Beyond Media Queries: Using Newer HTML & CSS Features for Responsive Designs
Why, How, and When to Use Semantic HTML and ARIA
Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML
HTML can do that?
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