

以Postgresql為主,再聊聊資料庫 PostgreSQL複製schema下table結構到另一schema的procedure及取樣的研討

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為方便說明,將建立三個 schema

  1. myfunc 用來放我們的 function , procedure
  2. s0822 用來放source tables
  3. t0822 用來放target tables


create schema myfunc;
create schema s0822;
create schema t0822;

建立 source tables

create table s0822.t001 (
  id int generated always as identity primary key
, txt text not null

create table s0822.t002 (
  id int generated always as identity primary key
, t001_id int not null references s0822.t001(id)
, txt text not null

建立一個 function 產生指定 schema 下一般tables 的名稱

create or replace function myfunc.f_get_schema_tables (
  in in_schema text
, out relname text
returns setof text
language sql as
  select c.relname::text
    from pg_class c
    join pg_namespace n
      on c.relnamespace = n.oid
   where n.nspname::text = in_schema
     and c.relkind = 'r'
   order by 1;

建立複製結構的 procedure

create or replace procedure myfunc.p_clone_schmea_tables (
  in source_schema text
, in target_schema text
language plpgsql as
    curs cursor for select relname from myfunc.f_get_schema_tables(source_schema);
    rel text;
  open curs;
    fetch curs into rel;
    exit when not found;
      execute 'create table if not exists '
                 ||  target_schema || '.' || rel
                 || ' (like ' || source_schema || '.' || rel
                 || ' including all)';
  end loop;
  close curs;

使用 procedure 來複製

call myfunc.p_clone_schmea_tables('s0822', 't0822');


\dt s0822.*
       List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner
 s0822  | t001 | table | nana
 s0822  | t002 | table | nana
(2 rows)

\dt t0822.*
       List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner
 t0822  | t001 | table | nana
 t0822  | t002 | table | nana
(2 rows)

\d s0822.t001
                           Table "s0822.t001"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |           Default
 id     | integer |           | not null | generated always as identity
 txt    | text    |           | not null |
    "t001_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "s0822.t002" CONSTRAINT "t002_t001_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (t001_id) REFERENCES s0822.t001(id)

\d t0822.t001
                           Table "t0822.t001"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |           Default
 id     | integer |           | not null | generated always as identity
 txt    | text    |           | not null |
    "t001_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

\d s0822.t002

                          Table "s0822.t002"
 Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |           Default
 id      | integer |           | not null | generated always as identity
 t001_id | integer |           | not null |
 txt     | text    |           | not null |
    "t002_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "t002_t001_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (t001_id) REFERENCES s0822.t001(id)
\d t0822.t002

                           Table "t0822.t002"
 Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |           Default
 id      | integer |           | not null | generated always as identity
 t001_id | integer |           | not null |
 txt     | text    |           | not null |
    "t002_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

注意到除了 Foreign key constraints 是都複製了.
因為我們是使用了 like INCLUDING ALL



create table s0822.t (
  a integer
, b text
, c boolean

select setseed(0.5);

insert into s0822.t
with r as (
select id
     , chr((32+random()*94)::integer)
     , random() < 0.01
  from generate_series(1, 1e5) as s(id)
select *
  from r
 order by random();
analyze s0822.t;

select attname
     , correlation
  from pg_stats
 where schemaname = 's0822'
   and tablename = 't';
 attname | correlation
 a       | 0.0044361027
 b       | 0.0063023297
 c       |    0.9826269
(3 rows)

建立四個 table 用來放取樣資料

使用 like 方法, 但不使用 including all

create table t0822.t1 (
like s0822.t

create table t0822.t2 (
like s0822.t

create table t0822.t3 (
like s0822.t

create table t0822.t4 (
like s0822.t

取樣的方式在 select 的 tablesample 子句

TABLESAMPLE sampling_method ( argument [, ...] ) [ REPEATABLE ( seed ) ]

取樣10% 使用 system method

insert into t0822.t1
select *
  from s0822.t
 tablesample system(10);

使用 bernoulli method

insert into t0822.t2
select *
  from s0822.t
 tablesample bernoulli(10);

INSERT 0 9987
Time: 17.633 ms


analyze t0822.t1;
analyze t0822.t2;

select attname
     , correlation
  from pg_stats
 where schemaname = 't0822'
   and tablename = 't1'
 order by 1;

 attname |  correlation
 a       | -0.0044052443
 b       |  0.0011416585
 c       |     0.9800325
(3 rows)

select attname
     , correlation
  from pg_stats
 where schemaname = 't0822'
   and tablename = 't2'
 order by 1;

 attname |  correlation
 a       | 0.00066867325
 b       |   0.023340156
 c       |    0.98007065
(3 rows)

a 是 id,遞增, 取樣後相關性就差異很大,是正常現象.
b, c 欄位的相關性, c 原本是 random() < 0.01 方式產生,
b 原本是 chr((32+random()*94)::integer) 方式產生,
但是要知道 pg_stat 的相關性,也是抽樣的,並不是 100%.
以官方文件的說法, bernoulli method 會慢一些,但是效果會

另外還有 REPEATABLE, 這是讓我們可以設定取樣時的亂數種子,進而可以重現.

使用 bernoulli取樣 20%,亂數種子為 100

insert into t0822.t3
select *
  from s0822.t
 tablesample bernoulli(20) REPEATABLE(100);
INSERT 0 20075
Time: 23.151 ms

insert into t0822.t4
select *
  from s0822.t
 tablesample bernoulli(20) REPEATABLE(100);

INSERT 0 20075
Time: 22.981 ms

analyze t0822.t3;
analyze t0822.t4;

select attname
     , correlation
  from pg_stats
 where schemaname = 't0822'
   and tablename = 't3'
 order by 1;

 attname | correlation
 a       | 0.0013938936
 b       |  0.002332309
 c       |   0.98037195
(3 rows)

select attname
     , correlation
  from pg_stats
 where schemaname = 't0822'
   and tablename = 't4'
  order by 1;
 attname | correlation
 a       | 0.0013938936
 b       |  0.002332309
 c       |   0.98037195
(3 rows)




{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

