* transform a string into an array of tokens
* @param htmlString {string} - html string. <div>Hello World</div>
* @returns {array} tagList = [
* { type:'tagStart' , tagName:'div' },
* { type:'text' , content:'Hello World' },
* { type:'tagEnd' , tagName:'div' }
* ]
const tokenizer = (htmlString) => {
const tagList = [];
// 由 htmlString 拆分出 tag 和 text 元素 , 用一個字元一個字元來比對
// the char pointer
let current = 0;
// last > char position
let lastEndCharPosition = 0;
const totalLength = htmlString.length;
while (current < totalLength) {
const char = htmlString[current];
const nextChar = htmlString[current + 1];
// 找到 tag 的開頭 <
if (char === '<') {
const last = tagList[tagList.length - 1];
if (last?.position) throw new Error('[<<<<<] double < error !!');
// text 元素如何取得?在 tagStart 時找一下中間是否有 text 元素(需要之前 > 的位置)
// 需要確認中間是否有 text 元素
if (lastEndCharPosition > 0) {
const content = htmlString.substring(lastEndCharPosition + 1, current).trim();
if (content.length > 0)
tagList.push({type: 'text', content});
// tagStart
if (nextChar !== '/') {
// tag start
type: 'tagStart',
position: current + 1,
current += 1;
// tagEnd
else if (nextChar === '/') {
// tag end
type: 'tagEnd',
position: current + 2,
current += 2;
} else if (char === '>') {
const last = tagList.pop();
if (!last.position) throw new Error('[>>>>>] double > error !!');
const inner = htmlString.substring(last.position, current);
const tagName = inner.split(' ')[0];
type: last.type,
// set lastEndCharPosition
lastEndCharPosition = current;
current += 1;
// other char
else current += 1;
return tagList;
const test01 = `<div>Hello World</div>`;
{ type: 'tagStart', tagName: 'div' },
{ type: 'text', content: 'Hello World' },
{ type: 'tagEnd', tagName: 'div' }
const test02 = `<div id="ss">Hello World</div>>`;
console.log(tokenizer(test02)) // Error('[>>>>>] double > error !!')
const test03 = `<<div id="ss">Hello World</div>`;
console.log(tokenizer(test03)) // Error('[>>>>>] double < error !!')
const test04 = `<div id="ss">Hello> World</div>`;
console.log(tokenizer(test04)) // Error('[>>>>>] double > error !!')