
2023 iThome 鐵人賽

AI & Data

30天深度探索免費生成式AI工具:實踐多樣AIGC應用系列 第 45

【附錄15】後續探索---圖像類AI工具:Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator

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Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator

Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator,可以推薦給你適合的提示詞,如果不確定 prompt 要怎麼調整,可以使用這個工具來幫忙,這個模型使用約 80,000 個 Stable Diffusion 的提示詞訓練。



  1. 在 Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator , 輸入student
  2. 把產生的4組 prompt 分別貼到 Stable Diffusion 去看看效果。

Initial Text:

Generated Prompts
[student, in flowing white silk robe with gold embroidery, necklace of stanley artgerm, lau, art nouveau, intricate linework, colors by alphonse mucha, wlop, trending on artstation

student, in the style of donato giancola, trending on artstation, cinematic composition, beautiful lighting, hyper detailed, 8 k, oil on canvas

student with short white hair and olive skin and wearing a checkered shirt with small impasto design elements, medium shot, waist up, studio Ghibli, Pixar and Disney animation, sharp, Rendered in Unreal Engine 5, anime key art by Greg Rutkowski, Bloom, dramatic lighting

student and his wife and sasha luss and antonio j. manzanedo, giger, alex grey, android jones, wayne barlowe, philippe druillet, raymond swanland, cyril rolando, josephine wall, harumi hironaka, trending on artstation






先用google 翻譯幫忙翻一下
世外桃源,桃樹,河流,山谷,農田,河上有小扁舟,舟上有一個船夫. 中國水彩風, 8K,
Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, 8K,

  1. 再加一些常用的風格詞

  2. 貼到 Stable Diffusion Prompt Generator 去

  3. 把產生的4組 prompt 分別貼到 Stable Diffusion 去看看效果。

Initial Text:

Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, realistic, bright background, good photography lighting + masterpiece , extremely detailed, vibrant colors, sharp focus, 8k, post-processed, extremely hyper-detailed,

Generated Prompts

Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, realistic, bright background, good photography lighting + masterpiece , extremely detailed, vibrant colors, sharp focus, 8k, post-processed, extremely hyper-detailed, intricate, epic composition, highly detailed attributes and atmosphere, cinematic lighting, masterpiece, trending on artstation, very very detailed, masterpiece, stunning, flawless completion, lifelike texture, perfection,

Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, realistic, bright background, good photography lighting + masterpiece , extremely detailed, vibrant colors, sharp focus, 8k, post-processed, extremely hyper-detailed, intricate, epic composition, highly detailed attributes and atmosphere, cinematic lighting + masterpiece, trending on artstation, very very detailed, masterpiece, stunning, flawless completion, lifelike texture, perfection,

Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, realistic, bright background, good photography lighting + masterpiece , extremely detailed, vibrant colors, sharp focus, 8k, post-processed, extremely hyper-detailed, intricate, epic composition, highly detailed attributes, highly detailed atmosphere, full body shot, cinematic lighting, masterpiece, no trending on artstation, very very detailed, masterpiece, stunning, flawless completion, lifelike texture, perfection,

Utopia, peach trees, river, valley, farmland, there is a small boat on the river and a boatman on the boat. Chinese watercolor style, realistic, bright background, good photography lighting + masterpiece , extremely detailed, vibrant colors, sharp focus, 8k, post-processed, extremely hyper-detailed, intricate, epic composition, highly detailed attributes and atmosphere, cinematic lighting, masterpiece, trending on artstation, very very detailed, masterpiece, stunning, flawless completion, lifelike texture, perfection,

【附錄14】後續探索---圖像類AI工具:Fast Stable Diffusion XL on Google Cloud TPU v5e,就是一個字,快!
【附錄16】後續探索---圖像類AI工具 提示詞查找
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