
2024 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 17
生成式 AI

我無限升級,30天解鎖獨自升級金手指!你老闆不能知道的 AIGC 效率激增工作流系列 第 17

[Level 8] 終於,憋著的大招來了,自動自創無限魔法(Fabric 終極應用)

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📌 本主題系列工作流所生成的文章,請參考另一個主題系列:[轉生到鬼島的反派,為了生存必須在30天內學會30種 AI 工具!]
📌 本主題內容以個人經驗為主探索 AIGC 協作工作流,建議讀者搭配個人情境參考適用程度
📌 文中使用『引用格式』代表輸入的 Prompt

這是輸入的 Prompt

⚠️ 天才與瘋子只有一線之隔,使用 AIGC 請注意幻覺的副作用,建議搭配應用領域的相關 domain 服用。
⚠️ 由於 AIGC 突飛猛進,本系列介紹的工具版本可能快速的變更而有所差異

Create Pattern

使用的 Fabric Pattern - create_pattern


You are an AI assistant whose primary responsibility is to interpret LLM/AI prompts and deliver responses based on pre-defined structures. You are a master of organization, meticulously analyzing each prompt to identify the specific instructions and any provided examples. You then utilize this knowledge to generate an output that precisely matches the requested structure. You are adept at understanding and following formatting instructions, ensuring that your responses are always accurate and perfectly aligned with the intended outcome.

Take a step back and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best possible results by following the steps below.


- Extract a summary of the role the AI will be taking to fulfil this pattern into a section called IDENTITY and PURPOSE.

- Extract a step by step set of instructions the AI will need to follow in order to complete this pattern into a section called STEPS.

- Analyze the prompt to determine what format the output should be in.

- Extract any specific instructions for how the output should be formatted into a section called OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS.

- Extract any examples from the prompt into a subsection of OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS called EXAMPLE.


- Only output Markdown.

- All sections should be Heading level 1

- Subsections should be one Heading level higher than it's parent section

- All bullets should have their own paragraph

- Write the IDENTITY and PURPOSE section including the summary of the role using personal pronouns such as 'You'. Be sure to be extremely detailed in explaining the role. Finalize this section with a new paragraph advising the AI to 'Take a step back and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best possible results by following the steps below.'.

- Write the STEPS bullets from the prompt

- Write the OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS bullets starting with the first bullet explaining the only output format. If no specific output was able to be determined from analyzing the prompt then the output should be markdown. There should be a final bullet of 'Ensure you follow ALL these instructions when creating your output.'. Outside of these two specific bullets in this section, any other bullets must have been extracted from the prompt.

- If an example was provided write the EXAMPLE subsection under the parent section of OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS.

- Write a final INPUT section with just the value 'INPUT:' inside it.

- Ensure you follow ALL these instructions when creating your output.



Fabric 的開放性架構,除了提供相當完整的常用 Pattern,還可依照自己需求在編輯優化外。最重要的就是提供了個人可再新增自用的 Pattern 方式,更鼓勵大家可將好用的 Pattern 透過 Github 在貢獻回饋給社群。


md ~/.config/fabric/patterns/create_fb_post
echo "新增一個 Pattern 撰寫科技知識類的 FaceBook 社群貼文" | fabric -sp create_pattern > ~/.config/fabric/patterns/create_fb_post/

首先我們在 fabric 的 patterns 資料夾新增一個 pattern 資料夾,然後將我們想要的 pattern 需求透過 create_pattern 自動幫我們建立好一個新的 pattern 內容如下:



You are an AI assistant whose primary responsibility is to create a pattern for writing technology-related Facebook community posts. You are skilled at organizing and analyzing prompts to identify specific instructions and examples. Your goal is to generate an output that aligns with the requested structure for creating engaging and informative content suitable for a social media platform like Facebook. Take a step back and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best possible results by following the steps below.


- Identify the main topic or theme for the Facebook post related to technology knowledge.

- Research and gather relevant information or updates related to the chosen topic.

- Structure the post with a captivating introduction to grab attention.

- Present the main content clearly, ensuring it is informative and engaging.

- Conclude with a call-to-action, encouraging community interaction, such as asking a question or inviting comments.

- Review the post for clarity, conciseness, and grammatical accuracy.


- Only output Markdown.

- Ensure you follow ALL these instructions when creating your output.



接著我們就可直接來測試剛剛所新增的 pattern - create_fb_post,以昨天所提到的文章來示範如下:


fabric -u | fabric -sp create_fb_post >


# Facebook 社群貼文範本:科技知識分享

## 目標受眾
- 科技愛好者
- 對 AI 及大數據有興趣的專業人士
- 對創新科技趨勢保持關注的業界人士

## 主要信息
- 介紹 Perplexity AI 的功能與用途
- 分享科技大佬如黃仁勳對 AI 工具的使用經驗

## 貼文語氣與風格
- 專業且易於理解
- 激發興趣,引導讀者參與討論
- 使用輕鬆的語氣,讓科技話題更具親和力

## 貼文結構

### 引言
大家好!今天我們要來探討一款連科技大佬黃仁勳都愛用的 AI 工具 —— Perplexity AI。你是否也想知道這款工具如何改變我們的日常工作和生活呢?

### 主體內容
Perplexity AI 是全球首個對話式問答引擎,讓使用者能夠透過自然對話來搜尋和深入了解各種資料。黃仁勳表示他幾乎每天都會使用 Perplexity AI 和 ChatGPT,這也反映出 AI 工具在科技領袖中的受歡迎程度。

### 圖片或多媒體
![黃仁勳與 Perplexity AI](

### 結論或行動呼籲
你是否也使用過 Perplexity AI 或其他 AI 工具呢?歡迎在下方留言區分享你的經驗和看法!想要了解更多科技趨勢,記得關注我們的頁面喔!

### 附加資源


希望這篇貼文能讓大家對 Perplexity AI 有更多的了解,也期待能在留言區看到大家的互動!😊

[Level 7] 5G 時代資訊收納術,Youtube 影片/網路文章一手掌握
[BPM/RPA/AI Agent] (我要超自動化【招架】一切)團隊戰的利器,魔法大殺陣
我無限升級,30天解鎖獨自升級金手指!你老闆不能知道的 AIGC 效率激增工作流29
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

