


連線到 WSUS 資料庫時發生錯誤

utopia 2008-08-07 09:05:3618538 瀏覽
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環境:windows 2003 R2 + wsus 3.0


連線到 Windows Server Update Services 資料庫時發生錯誤
在連線到 Windows Server Update Services 資料庫時發生錯誤,可能是資料庫無法使用或是您沒有存取資料庫適當的權限。

WindowsUpdate.log 如下

2008-08-04 12:03:13:532 892 1634 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
2008-08-04 12:03:13:532 892 1634 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 8dbd983a-8c4e-41e0-8279-696ac340003c, target group = abc PCs, DNS name = server.abc.local
2008-08-04 12:03:13:532 892 1634 PT Server URL =
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure, error = 0x8024400E, soap client error = 7, soap error code = 400, HTTP status code = 200
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: SOAP Fault: 0x000190
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: faultstringystem.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Fault occurred
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.SimpleAuth..ctor()
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: ErrorCode:InternalServerError(5)
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: Message:
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: Method:"http://www.microsoft.com/SoftwareDistribution/Server/SimpleAuthWebService/GetAuthorizationCookie"
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: ID:96820edd-4178-4522-a2ac-54389c4c9fba
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple Targeting Cookie: 0x8024400e
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed: 0x8024400e
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x8024400e
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x8024400e
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x8024400e
2008-08-04 12:03:13:548 892 1634 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 8024400e.


2 個回答

iT邦新手 2 級 ‧ 2008-08-28 14:22:41

我的作法是到"服務"將它的SQL服務指定用一個Domain Admins的帳號去重新啟動就可以了.

