rasautou.exe file information
The process Remote Access Dialer belongs to the software Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation (www.microsoft.com).
Description: rasautou.exe is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. The file size on Windows XP is 11,776 bytes.
rasautou.exe is a Windows core system file. The program has a visible window. It is a trustworthy file from Microsoft. Therefore the technical security rating is 0% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
您的電腦會出現 "記憶體不能為"READ",那您就以administrator的身份,在cmd模式,執行下列指令:
for %1 in (%windir%/system32/*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1
rasautou.exe是windows 系統的遠端撥號器的程序,用來調節MODEM撥號連接